25. Međunarodni festival multimedijalne umetnosti - IMAF 2023
25th International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF 2023
02. 09. 2023 - 15. 09. 2023.
Odzaci - Novi Sad
Uglavnom su za projekte koji su bili organizovani u okviru IMAF festivala, poslednjih godina, pa i mnogih godina ranije, postojali neki tematski okviri. Mnoge teme su dolazile spontano, i nažalost, zahvaljujući mnogim nesrećnim okolnostima iz aktuelnih životnih tokova širom sveta. Proteklih nekoliko godina učesnici, dela festivala koji je prezentovan onlajn, su pozivani da odgovore tematski, umetničkim video radovima povezanih uglavnom uz globalne društvene probleme. To je bila višegodišnja pandemija, distanciranja tokom pandemije, zaključavanja tokom pandemije i na kraju ratova, koji se dešavaju ili su se dešavali u Evropi i drugim delovima sveta.
Medjutim, odlučili smo da ovogodišnje izdanje IMAF festivala ne bude opterećeno bilo kakvom temom ili zahtevima u tom smislu. Umetnici su pozvani da učestvuju i po svom nahođenju odaberu slobodno teme koje njima, i njihovom senzibilitetu, najviše odgovaraju. Razlog više za donošenje ovakve odluke je taj da festival IMAF ove godine proslavlja dvadeset petogodišnjicu kontinuiranog predstavljanja svojih višeslojnih programa. 25 godina ili četvrt veka postojanja i višemedijalnog umetničkog delovanja i saradnje na umetničkoj sceni Srbije, Evrope i širom sveta.
Poslednje dve godine, u okviru programa IMAF festivala, održava se dečija likovna radionica i umetnička manifestacija pod nazivom “Dan zeca”. Autor ovog zanimljivog projekta Spajk Meklariti (Spike Mclarrity) je, nakon izuzetno uspešnih dešavanja proteklih godina, odlučio da po treći put, uz pomoć festivala IMAF, organizuje “Dan zeca”. Ova dečja manifestacija će biti održana 02. septembra, na platou ispred Sportskog centra Odžaci.
Onlajn prezentacija video zapisa performansa čine 25 radova, odabranih na konkursu IMAF festivala. 25 umetničkih radova od preko 30 umetnika iz 21 zemlje širom sveta. Prezentacija 25 radova, uz proslavu 25. godišnjice Međunarodnog festivala multimedijalne umetnosti – IMAF, počeće 02. septembra i završiće se 07. septembra 2023. godine.
Program 25. Međunarodnog festivala multimedijalne umetnosti – IMAF 2023, sa prezentacijom umetničkih akcija i performansa uživo, biće održan od 08. do 10. Septembra. Festival će biti održan, po četvrti put, u prostoru napuštenog Motela “Šumice” i sada već tradicionalno u galeriji SULUV u Novom Sadu. Na otvorenom konkursu početkom godine se prijavilo preko pedeset umetnika i umetničkih grupa iz celog sveta. Za učešće uživo, na ovogodišnjem jubilarnom festival, su odabrani sledeći umetnici: Bartolomé Ferrando (ES), Dagmar I. Glausnitzer-Smith (DE), Ewa Rybska (PL), Wladyslaw Kazmierczak (PL), Godwin Constantine (LK), Lada Uchaeva (ME/RU), Ileana Gherghina (RO/GB), Spike Mclarrity (GB), John G. Boehme (CA), Katerina Olivova (CZ), Kelvin Atmadibrata (ID), AnimaeNoctis (Silvia Marcantoni Taddei & Massimo Sannelli) (IT), Dejan Bogojević (RS), Nenad Bogdanović (RS).
Mostly for the projects that were organized within the IMAF festival, in recent years, and even many years before, there were some thematic frameworks. Many of the themes came spontaneously, and unfortunately, thanks to many unfortunate circumstances from current life streams around the world. For the past few years, the participants of the part of the festival, which is presented online, have been invited to respond thematically, with their artistic video works related mainly to global social problems. It has been a multi-year pandemic, distancing during the pandemic, lockdowns during the pandemic and ultimately wars, which are happening or have happened in Europe and other parts of the world.
However, we have decided that this year's edition of the IMAF festival will not be burdened with any theme or demands in that sense. Artists are invited to participate and at their discretion freely choose the topics that best suit them and their sensibilities. Another reason for making such a decision is that this year the IMAF festival is celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the continuous presentation of its multi-layered programs. 25 years or a quarter of a century of existence and multimedia artistic activity and cooperation on the art scene of Serbia, Europe and around the world.
For the last two years, within the program of the IMAF festival, a children's art workshop and an artistic manifestation called "The Day of The Rabbit" have been held. The author of this interesting project, Spike Mclarrity, after extremely successful events in the past years, decided to organize "The Day of The Rabbit" for the third time, with the help of the IMAF festival. This children's event will be held on September 2, on the plateau in front of the Odzaci Sports Center.
The online presentation of performance videos consists of 25 works, selected at the IMAF festival competition. 25 artworks by over 30 artists from 21 countries around the world. The presentation of 25 works, along with the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the International Multimedia Art Festival - IMAF, will begin on September 2 and end on September 7, 2023.
The program of the 25th International Festival of Multimedia Arts - IMAF 2023, with the presentation of artistic actions and live performances, will be held from September 8 to 10. The festival will be held, for the fourth time, in the area of the abandoned Motel "Šumice" and now traditionally in the SULUV gallery in Novi Sad. Over fifty artists and art groups from all over the world applied for an open competition at the beginning of the year. The following artists have been selected to participate live at this year's anniversary festival: Bartolomé Ferrando (ES), Dagmar I. Glausnitzer-Smith (DE), Ewa Rybska (PL), Wladyslaw Kazmierczak (PL), Godwin Constantine (LK), Lada Uchaeva (ME/RU), Ileana Gherghina (RO/GB), Spike Mclarrity (GB), John G. Boehme (CA), Katerina Olivova (CZ), Kelvin Atmadibrata (ID), AnimaeNoctis (Silvia Marcantoni Taddei & Massimo Sannelli) (IT), Dejan Bogojević (RS), Nenad Bogdanović (RS).
Izložba u SULUV Galeriji, Novi Sad
09. 09. 2023. - 15. 09. 2023.
Performans kao sudbina
(1998.- 2022.)
Retro pogled na performanse izvedene u Vojvodini / izbor
video i fotografija
Izložba Performans kao sudbina je deo 25. IMAF-a i pogledom u nazad želi da podseti na neke vrlo zanimljive performanse i umetničke akcije koji su tokom godina izvedeni u Vojvodini, pre svega u okviru IMAF-a, a zatim i na nekim drugim srodnim umetničkim manifestacijama. Internacionalni multimedijalni umetnički festival (IMAF) u najvećoj meri je posvećen performansu negujući njegove različite forme, težeći ka afirmaciji ove umetničke discipline. Ovo je festival sa najdužom tradicijom u Vojvodini. Pored njega bilo je još nekoliko festivala performansa i složenih izložbi koje su jedan segment posvećivale performansu ali njihovo trajanje je bilo ogranićeno na 1-2 izvođenja. To naravno, ne umanjuje značaj izvedenih performansa i predstavljenih umetnika jer, naprotiv u njima su učestvovali recentni internacionalni i domaći umetnici. Ova izložba će predstaviti izbor iz bogate produkcije performansa i umetničkih akcija izvedenih na IMAF-u (Odžaci/Novi Sad), Festivalu premijernog performansa (Pančevo, 2002.), Festivalu Umetnički performansi i akcije (Novi Sad, 2016.), izložbi Konflikti, provokacije, relacije, strepnje, energije, odlučnosti/Umetnost u proširenom polju/Pogled na umetničku situaciju/Vojvodina 1997/2014 (Novi Sad, 2014.)
Performativna forma je dvojako privlačna, kako za umetnike, tako i za publiku. Za umetnike jer mogu na najdirektniji način, uz pomoć sopstvenog tela i rekvizita da uspostave odnos sa publikom i javnošću. Ova forma im omogućava da na najiskreniji, najemotivniji inajbliskiji način izraze svoje ideje, misao i osećanja i podele ih sa publikom. Za publiku privlačnost performativne forme se manifestuje u komunikativnosti, u mogućnosti učestvovanja i saučestvovanja, u interaktivnosti.
Odabrani performansi biće predstavljeni video i foto dokumentacijom i umetničkim videom i ukazaće na izvođenja sledećih umetnika: Era Milivojević, Balint Sombati, Andre Stitt, Shaun Caton, Seiji Shimoda, Alastair McLennan, Cai Qing, Lenka Klodova, NON GRATA, Dragan Vojvodić, Vesna Perunović, Božo Vasić, Nataša Teofilović, MP art, Coco Fusco, Nenad Bogdanović.
Svetlana Mladenov
Exhibition at SULUV Gallery, Novi Sad
09/09/2023 - 15/09/2023
Performance as destiny
(1998 - 2022)
A retro look at the performances performed in Vojvodina / selection
video and photography
The exhibition Performance as destiny is part of the 25th IMAF, and looking back, it wants to remind you of some very interesting performances and art actions that have been performed in Vojvodina over the years, first of all within IMAF, and then at some other related art events, manifestations. The International Multimedia Art Festival (IMAF) is largely dedicated to performance, fostering its various forms, striving for the afirmation of this artistic discipline. This is the festival with the longest tradition in Vojvodina. In addition to it, there were several performance festivals and complex exhibitions that dedicated one segment to performance, but their duration was limited to 1-2 performances. Of course, this does not diminish the importance of the performed performances and the artists presented because, on the contrary, recent international and domestic artists participated in them. This exhibition will present a selection from the rich production of performances and artistic actions performed at IMAF (Odžaci/Novi Sad), the Festival of Premiere Performances (Pančevo, 2002), the Festival of Artistic Performances and Actions (Novi Sad, 2016), the exhibition Conflicts, provocations, relationships, anxiety, energy, determination/Art in an expanded field/View of the artistic situation/Vojvodina 1997/2014 (Novi Sad, 2014)
The performative form is doubly attractive, both for the artists and for the audience. For artists, because they can establish a relationship with the audience and the public in the most direct way, with the help of their own body and props. This form allows them to express their ideas, thoughts and feelings in the most sincere, emotional and intimate way and share them with the audience. For the audience, the attractiveness of the performative form is manifested in communicativeness, in the possibility of participation and co-participation, in interactivity.
Selected performances will be presented with video and photo documentation and an art video and will highlight the performances of the following artists: Era Milivojević, Balint Sombati, Andre Stitt, Shaun Caton, Seiji Shimoda, Alastair McLennan, Cai Qing, Lenka Klodova, NON GRATA, Dragan Vojvodić, Vesna Perunović , Božo Vasić, Nataša Teofilović, MP art, Coco Fusco, Nenad Bogdanović.
Svetlana Mladenov
Alexandra Holownia (Poland-Germany)
Alireza Amin Mozafari (Iran)
AnimaeNoctis (Italy)
Artur Tajber (Poland)
Bill Aitchison (UK-China)
Calum Eccleston (UK)
Cândida Monte & Bernardo Stumpf (Brasil)
Craphone Liu & Min Szu Hsu (Taiwan)
Dimple B Shah (India)
Eugenia Grammenou (Greece)
Eva Dabara (Israel)
Gaby Bila-Günther (Australia-Germany)
Jordina Ros & Pere Estadella (Spain)
Judith Price & Grace Salez (Canada)
Kareen Labbé Weber (Chile)
Khaing Su (Myanmar)
Natthaphon Chaiworawat (Thailand)
Noel Molloy & Aodha Molloy (Ireland)
Paco Justicia Cazorla (Spain)
PAS Performance Art Studies (Germany)
Sanskar Verma (India)
Satadru Sovan (India)
Sofía Vera (Mexico)
To K Du (Vietnam)
Republic of Serbia
Ministry of Culture and Information
Republika Srbija
Ministarstvo Kulture i Informisanja
Ministry of Culture and Information
Republika Srbija
Ministarstvo Kulture i Informisanja
Provincial Secretariat for Culture, Public
Information and relations with Religious
Pokrajinski sekretarijat za kulturu,
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Provincial Secretariat for Culture, Public
Information and relations with Religious
Pokrajinski sekretarijat za kulturu,
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