12th International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF 2010
Gordana Zlatanovic:
12th International Multimedial Art Festival – IMAF 2010, held at MAS Gallery (Multimedial Art Studio) in Odzaci, was founded 12 years ago and still is successfully led by author, initiator and creator of this international project Nenad Bogdanovic, performance artist, publisher, curator and owner of MAS Gallery. Nenad is “one of the pioneers of performance art in Serbia and region, he belongs to the group of artists that followed pre-drawn line and successfully affirmed
visual performance leaving a deep trail on modern art scene of Serbia and mid-European art space.”
International Multimedial Art Festival – IMAF is dedicated to the art of performance, artistic media that makes a trail in “performansology” as global art criticism that pays special attention to the art of performance of Balkan artists. Because of the attention we drew to us through the Balkans (civil) war, our temperament, Marina Abramovic and other great performance artists of the first generation, number and quality of the artists presented on IMAF is increasing. After many years of successful existence, is becoming a tradition in the history of Odzaci and contemporary art history of Serbia. We can make a conclusion that the author of the
project and his dedicated, professional and modest team of associates have fulfilled their goals: they became „good place“ to come and enjoy in conceptual art. They have brought worldwide artists to the Serbian audience, successfully propagating not only Serbian but Yugoslavian art scene using only minimal financial means given to them by the state and cultural organizations.
During last 12 years of existence of the multimedial festival, performances and video works of more than 100 international artists were presented. This presentation also contained a rich choice of actual art scene of Serbian and worldwide performance artists of the first, second and the youngest generation. Some of them are: Balint Szombati (Serbia -Hungary), Serbia: Aleksandar Jovanovic, Jovana Dimitrijevic, Marko Bogdanovic, Branko Radakovic, Radoslav B. Chugaly, Dragan Vojvodic, Marko Nektan; Israel: Tamara Raban; Urugay: Klemente Padin; Poland: Slavomir Brozka, Malgorzata Batervik, Paulina Olovska (Poland/Japan); Japan: Hero Itoh; Spain: Angel Pastor; South Korea: Kum Nam Baik, Romania: Uto Gustav i Vajda Eva, Italy: Emilio Morandi, Slovakia: Jozef Juhas.
This year, artists from 9 foreign countries participated on IMAF. As opposed to previous, IMAF started in Spring, May 7th and 8th with Caroline Smith and her art project: „Eating Secret“. Second part of IMAF continued on July 3rd, presenting Tonya McMullan, Irish performance artist. On 17th of September started the 3rd and final part of IMAF presenting several artists from Germany, Sweden, Italy, Peru, Venezuela and Serbia. Audience could see 8 performances, one video, one video performance and 1 video
action. First was Radoslav Čugalj from Serbia, with performance “Mobbing”. Then, Nenad
Bogdanovic (Serbia), with performance “Art = Life (Gamble)”. Heike Pfingsten (Germany):
“Gallon” – performance, Gordana Zlatanovic (Serbia): “Army – man who hates voodoo” -
performance and Caterina Davinio (Italy): video, Pilar Talavera (Peru): “Positive homesick pills the Odzaci chapter” – video performance. Festival continued tomorrow: MP art (Serbia), Dragan Vojvodic (Serbia): “Windows 2010” – performance, Henrik Hedinge (Sweden): “GenderFlux” – performance, Stanisa Krstic (Serbia): “Gentle swing of destruction” – performance, Ana Alenso (Venecuela): “Way” – video-action. This year`s events were sponsored by Ministry of culture Republic of Serbia and several minor sponsors from Odzaci, alongside Artmagazin.
IMAF 2010 offered to it`s audience maximum of enjoyment of esthetic, intermedial, multimedial and mental art messages of this increasingly popular form of action art.
Serbian text:
Gordana Zlatanović:
12. Medjunarodni festival multimedijalne umetnosti - IMAF 2010, koji se održao u prostorijama Galerije MAS ( Studiju za multimedijalnu umetnost) u Odžacima, osnovao je pre 12 godina i uspešno vodi autor, inicijator i kreator ovog medjunarodnog projekta Nenad Bogdanović, likovni i performans umetnik, izdavač i kustos i vlasnik galerije MAS. Nenad je „jedan od pionira umetnosti performansa u Srbiji i šire, pripada grupi umetnika koji su adekvatno nastavili zacrtanom linijom i uspeli da afirmišu vizuelni performans i ostave dubok trag na savremenoj umetničkoj sceni Srbije i srednjeevropskom umetničkom prostoru.“
Medjunarodni festival multimedijalne umetnosti IMAF je posvećen umetnosti performansa, umetničkom mediju koji poslednjih godina ostavlja traga u „performansologiji“ kao svetskoj umetničkoj kritici koja posebnu pažnju posvećuje umetnosti performansa Balkanskih umetnika. Zbog sve veće pažnje, koju smo privukli Balkanskim (bratoubilačkim) ratom, temperamentom, Marinom Abramović i drugim kvalitetnim performans umetnicima prve generacije, povećava se i broj, kao i kvalitet umetnika koji se prezentuju na IMAF-u. IMAF posle višegodišnje uspešne egzistencije, već postaje tradicijom u istoriji Odžaka i savremenoj umetničkoj istoriji Srbije. Možemo da konstatujemo da su autor, inicijator i kreator ovog projekta i njegov veran, profesionalan i skroman tim saradnika ostvarili sve svoje ciljeve, koje su sebi na početku zadali: postali su “dobro mesto” za dolazak i uživanje u konceptualnoj umetnosti. Doveli su umetnike iz celog sveta i približili ih Srpskoj publici. Uspeli su i da propaguju u svetu ne samo Srpsku, već Jugoslovensku umetničku scenu I to sa minimalnim finansijskim sredstvima od strane države i kulturnih organizacija. Tokom proteklih 12 godina postojanja multimedijalnog festivala, prezentovalo se performensima i video radovima više od 100 medjunarodnih umetnika. Bio je predstavljen jedan bogat izbor aktuelne umetničke scene iz Srbije i inostranstva, performens umetnici prve, druge i najmladje generacije. Neki od njih su Balint Sombati (Srbija-Madjarska), Srbija: Aleksandar Jovanović, Jovana Dimitrijević, Marko Bogdanović, Branko Radaković, Radoslav Čugalj, Dragan Vojvodić, Marko Nektan; Izrael: Tamara Raban; Urugvaj: Klemente Padin; Poljska: Slavomir Brožka, Malgorzata Batervik, Paulina Olovska (Poljska/Japan); Japan: Hero Itoh; Španija: Angel Pastor; Južna Koreja: Kum Nam Baik, Rumunija: Uto Gustav i Vajda Eva, Italija: Emilio Morandi, Slovačka: Jozef Juhas.
Ove godine, učestvovali su umetnici iz 9 zemalja sveta. Ove godine, za razliku od predhodnih, IMAF je počeo u proleće, 7. i 8. maja, kada je premijerno i reprizno Britanska umetnica Kerolin Smit performirala projekt: “Eating Secret”. Drugi deo IMAF-a nastavljen je 3. jula, u kom se Odžačkoj umetničkoj publici predstavila Tonja Mekmilan, Irska performans umetnica. Dana 17. Septembra je bio otvoren treći - finalni - deo u kome je publici bilo predstavljeno više autora iz sledećih zemalja: Nemačka, Švedska, Italija, Peru, Venecuela i Srbija. Publika je bila u mogućnosti da vidi: 8 Performansa, 1 video, 1 video performans, 1 video-akciju. Kao prvi predstavio se Radoslav Čugalj iz Srbije, performansom “Mobing”. Zatim, Nenad Bogdanović (Srbija), performansom “Umetnost = Život (Kocka)”. Heike Pfingsten (Nemačka): “Boca” – performans, Gordana Zlatanović (Srbija): “Vojska – čovek koji mrzi vudu” - performans i Caterina Davinio (Italija): video radom “Prvi poetski spejsšatl sletanje u drugi život”. Pilar Talavera (Peru): “Tablete za pozitivnu nostalgiju poglavlje Odžaci” – video performans. Festival je nastavljen i sutradan: MP art (Srbija), Dragan Vojvodić (Srbija): “WINDOWS 2010” – performans, Henrik Hedinge (Švedska): “GenderFlux” – performans, Stanisa Krstić (Srbija): “Nežni zamah uništenja” – performans, Ana Alenso (Venecuela): “Put” – video-akcija. Ove godine generalni sponzor IMAF-a je bilo Ministarstvo kulture Republike Srbije i više manjih sponzora iz opštine Odžaci, takodje i Artmagazin.
IMAF 2010 je ove godine ponudio publici maksimalno prijatno doživljavanje estetskih, intermedijalnih, multimedijalnih i mentalnih umetničkih pojava i poruka ove sve više popularne forme akcione umetnosti.
12th International Multimedial Art Festival – IMAF 2010, held at MAS Gallery (Multimedial Art Studio) in Odzaci, was founded 12 years ago and still is successfully led by author, initiator and creator of this international project Nenad Bogdanovic, performance artist, publisher, curator and owner of MAS Gallery. Nenad is “one of the pioneers of performance art in Serbia and region, he belongs to the group of artists that followed pre-drawn line and successfully affirmed
visual performance leaving a deep trail on modern art scene of Serbia and mid-European art space.”
International Multimedial Art Festival – IMAF is dedicated to the art of performance, artistic media that makes a trail in “performansology” as global art criticism that pays special attention to the art of performance of Balkan artists. Because of the attention we drew to us through the Balkans (civil) war, our temperament, Marina Abramovic and other great performance artists of the first generation, number and quality of the artists presented on IMAF is increasing. After many years of successful existence, is becoming a tradition in the history of Odzaci and contemporary art history of Serbia. We can make a conclusion that the author of the
project and his dedicated, professional and modest team of associates have fulfilled their goals: they became „good place“ to come and enjoy in conceptual art. They have brought worldwide artists to the Serbian audience, successfully propagating not only Serbian but Yugoslavian art scene using only minimal financial means given to them by the state and cultural organizations.
During last 12 years of existence of the multimedial festival, performances and video works of more than 100 international artists were presented. This presentation also contained a rich choice of actual art scene of Serbian and worldwide performance artists of the first, second and the youngest generation. Some of them are: Balint Szombati (Serbia -Hungary), Serbia: Aleksandar Jovanovic, Jovana Dimitrijevic, Marko Bogdanovic, Branko Radakovic, Radoslav B. Chugaly, Dragan Vojvodic, Marko Nektan; Israel: Tamara Raban; Urugay: Klemente Padin; Poland: Slavomir Brozka, Malgorzata Batervik, Paulina Olovska (Poland/Japan); Japan: Hero Itoh; Spain: Angel Pastor; South Korea: Kum Nam Baik, Romania: Uto Gustav i Vajda Eva, Italy: Emilio Morandi, Slovakia: Jozef Juhas.
This year, artists from 9 foreign countries participated on IMAF. As opposed to previous, IMAF started in Spring, May 7th and 8th with Caroline Smith and her art project: „Eating Secret“. Second part of IMAF continued on July 3rd, presenting Tonya McMullan, Irish performance artist. On 17th of September started the 3rd and final part of IMAF presenting several artists from Germany, Sweden, Italy, Peru, Venezuela and Serbia. Audience could see 8 performances, one video, one video performance and 1 video
action. First was Radoslav Čugalj from Serbia, with performance “Mobbing”. Then, Nenad
Bogdanovic (Serbia), with performance “Art = Life (Gamble)”. Heike Pfingsten (Germany):
“Gallon” – performance, Gordana Zlatanovic (Serbia): “Army – man who hates voodoo” -
performance and Caterina Davinio (Italy): video, Pilar Talavera (Peru): “Positive homesick pills the Odzaci chapter” – video performance. Festival continued tomorrow: MP art (Serbia), Dragan Vojvodic (Serbia): “Windows 2010” – performance, Henrik Hedinge (Sweden): “GenderFlux” – performance, Stanisa Krstic (Serbia): “Gentle swing of destruction” – performance, Ana Alenso (Venecuela): “Way” – video-action. This year`s events were sponsored by Ministry of culture Republic of Serbia and several minor sponsors from Odzaci, alongside Artmagazin.
IMAF 2010 offered to it`s audience maximum of enjoyment of esthetic, intermedial, multimedial and mental art messages of this increasingly popular form of action art.
Serbian text:
Gordana Zlatanović:
12. Medjunarodni festival multimedijalne umetnosti - IMAF 2010, koji se održao u prostorijama Galerije MAS ( Studiju za multimedijalnu umetnost) u Odžacima, osnovao je pre 12 godina i uspešno vodi autor, inicijator i kreator ovog medjunarodnog projekta Nenad Bogdanović, likovni i performans umetnik, izdavač i kustos i vlasnik galerije MAS. Nenad je „jedan od pionira umetnosti performansa u Srbiji i šire, pripada grupi umetnika koji su adekvatno nastavili zacrtanom linijom i uspeli da afirmišu vizuelni performans i ostave dubok trag na savremenoj umetničkoj sceni Srbije i srednjeevropskom umetničkom prostoru.“
Medjunarodni festival multimedijalne umetnosti IMAF je posvećen umetnosti performansa, umetničkom mediju koji poslednjih godina ostavlja traga u „performansologiji“ kao svetskoj umetničkoj kritici koja posebnu pažnju posvećuje umetnosti performansa Balkanskih umetnika. Zbog sve veće pažnje, koju smo privukli Balkanskim (bratoubilačkim) ratom, temperamentom, Marinom Abramović i drugim kvalitetnim performans umetnicima prve generacije, povećava se i broj, kao i kvalitet umetnika koji se prezentuju na IMAF-u. IMAF posle višegodišnje uspešne egzistencije, već postaje tradicijom u istoriji Odžaka i savremenoj umetničkoj istoriji Srbije. Možemo da konstatujemo da su autor, inicijator i kreator ovog projekta i njegov veran, profesionalan i skroman tim saradnika ostvarili sve svoje ciljeve, koje su sebi na početku zadali: postali su “dobro mesto” za dolazak i uživanje u konceptualnoj umetnosti. Doveli su umetnike iz celog sveta i približili ih Srpskoj publici. Uspeli su i da propaguju u svetu ne samo Srpsku, već Jugoslovensku umetničku scenu I to sa minimalnim finansijskim sredstvima od strane države i kulturnih organizacija. Tokom proteklih 12 godina postojanja multimedijalnog festivala, prezentovalo se performensima i video radovima više od 100 medjunarodnih umetnika. Bio je predstavljen jedan bogat izbor aktuelne umetničke scene iz Srbije i inostranstva, performens umetnici prve, druge i najmladje generacije. Neki od njih su Balint Sombati (Srbija-Madjarska), Srbija: Aleksandar Jovanović, Jovana Dimitrijević, Marko Bogdanović, Branko Radaković, Radoslav Čugalj, Dragan Vojvodić, Marko Nektan; Izrael: Tamara Raban; Urugvaj: Klemente Padin; Poljska: Slavomir Brožka, Malgorzata Batervik, Paulina Olovska (Poljska/Japan); Japan: Hero Itoh; Španija: Angel Pastor; Južna Koreja: Kum Nam Baik, Rumunija: Uto Gustav i Vajda Eva, Italija: Emilio Morandi, Slovačka: Jozef Juhas.
Ove godine, učestvovali su umetnici iz 9 zemalja sveta. Ove godine, za razliku od predhodnih, IMAF je počeo u proleće, 7. i 8. maja, kada je premijerno i reprizno Britanska umetnica Kerolin Smit performirala projekt: “Eating Secret”. Drugi deo IMAF-a nastavljen je 3. jula, u kom se Odžačkoj umetničkoj publici predstavila Tonja Mekmilan, Irska performans umetnica. Dana 17. Septembra je bio otvoren treći - finalni - deo u kome je publici bilo predstavljeno više autora iz sledećih zemalja: Nemačka, Švedska, Italija, Peru, Venecuela i Srbija. Publika je bila u mogućnosti da vidi: 8 Performansa, 1 video, 1 video performans, 1 video-akciju. Kao prvi predstavio se Radoslav Čugalj iz Srbije, performansom “Mobing”. Zatim, Nenad Bogdanović (Srbija), performansom “Umetnost = Život (Kocka)”. Heike Pfingsten (Nemačka): “Boca” – performans, Gordana Zlatanović (Srbija): “Vojska – čovek koji mrzi vudu” - performans i Caterina Davinio (Italija): video radom “Prvi poetski spejsšatl sletanje u drugi život”. Pilar Talavera (Peru): “Tablete za pozitivnu nostalgiju poglavlje Odžaci” – video performans. Festival je nastavljen i sutradan: MP art (Srbija), Dragan Vojvodić (Srbija): “WINDOWS 2010” – performans, Henrik Hedinge (Švedska): “GenderFlux” – performans, Stanisa Krstić (Srbija): “Nežni zamah uništenja” – performans, Ana Alenso (Venecuela): “Put” – video-akcija. Ove godine generalni sponzor IMAF-a je bilo Ministarstvo kulture Republike Srbije i više manjih sponzora iz opštine Odžaci, takodje i Artmagazin.
IMAF 2010 je ove godine ponudio publici maksimalno prijatno doživljavanje estetskih, intermedijalnih, multimedijalnih i mentalnih umetničkih pojava i poruka ove sve više popularne forme akcione umetnosti.
IMAF this year was held in the following three terms: 7th and 8th May 2010 (Caroline Smith, London-United Kingdom), 3rd July 2010 (Tonya McMullan, Belfast-Northern Ireland) and 17th and 18th September 2010 (Heike Pfingsten, Nordhorn-Germany, Henrik Hedinge, Sweden, Caterina Davinio, Rome-Italy, Pilar Talavera, Lima-Peru, Ana Alenso, Caracas-Venezuela and from Serbia: Radoslav Chugaly, Nenad Bogdanovic, Gordana Zlatanovic, MP_art, Dragan Vojvodic and Stanisa Krstic).
Ove godine IMAF je održan u sledeća tri termina: 7. i 8. maja 2010. (Caroline Smith, London-Velika Britanija); 3. jula 2010. (Tonya McMullan, Belfast-Severna Irska) i 17. i 18. septembra 2010. (Heike Pfingsten, Nordhorn-Nemačka, Henrik Hedinge, Švedska, Caterina Davinio, Rim-Italija, Pilar Talavera, Lima-Peru, Ana Alenso, Karakas-Venecuela i iz Srbije: Radoslav B. Čugalj, Nenad Bogdanović, Gordana Zlatanović, MP_art, Dragan Vojvodić i Staniša Krstić).
7th and 8th May 2010 (Galerija MAS, Odzaci / MAS Gallery, Odzaci)
• Caroline Smith (United Kingdom): “EATING SECRET” performances
Caroline Smith (United Kingdom)
Her live work and teaching emerges out of an established writing career on visual culture for magazines such as Black Book, New York (European Editor) and Creative Camera, London (New Media Editor). Moving beyond the written text into the live, she have close engagement with image, faction (fact/fiction) and audience. Eating Secret (work in progress) is a collaboration with the public on intimate exchange & symbolic ingesting. It develops from Spank, her first show, selected for NRLA 08, a performance of memory exploring body trauma. She is Senior Lecturer at the University of Greenwich and direct Media Writing BA (Hons). She is External Examiner of Media Writing & Creative Writing BA (Hons) at the University of Portsmouth.
Eating Secret (2008)
Behind the Mic - Glass Bar, London, Jul 08; Whitstable Biennale Satellite - Kent, Jun/Jul 08
Spank (2006)
GFEST 08 - Rich Mix, London, Nov 08; Betsey’s Salon of Interdisciplinary Arts London N1, May 08; Space In Between - London Bridge, London, SE1, Apr 08; OMSK - The Whipping Rooms, London, Apr 08; NRLA 08 - Tramway, Glasgow, Feb 08: selected as Elevator Artist; International Symposium on Intimacy - Albany Theatre, London for Goldsmiths/Laban, Dec 07 (directed by Susannah Hart); Bad Grrls, Gadgets & Guerrilla Tactics University of Leeds, Sep 07 for Digital Arts & Performance Symposium; Signals 5 - Antenna Studios, London, Sep 06
Her live work and teaching emerges out of an established writing career on visual culture for magazines such as Black Book, New York (European Editor) and Creative Camera, London (New Media Editor). Moving beyond the written text into the live, she have close engagement with image, faction (fact/fiction) and audience. Eating Secret (work in progress) is a collaboration with the public on intimate exchange & symbolic ingesting. It develops from Spank, her first show, selected for NRLA 08, a performance of memory exploring body trauma. She is Senior Lecturer at the University of Greenwich and direct Media Writing BA (Hons). She is External Examiner of Media Writing & Creative Writing BA (Hons) at the University of Portsmouth.
Eating Secret (2008)
Behind the Mic - Glass Bar, London, Jul 08; Whitstable Biennale Satellite - Kent, Jun/Jul 08
Spank (2006)
GFEST 08 - Rich Mix, London, Nov 08; Betsey’s Salon of Interdisciplinary Arts London N1, May 08; Space In Between - London Bridge, London, SE1, Apr 08; OMSK - The Whipping Rooms, London, Apr 08; NRLA 08 - Tramway, Glasgow, Feb 08: selected as Elevator Artist; International Symposium on Intimacy - Albany Theatre, London for Goldsmiths/Laban, Dec 07 (directed by Susannah Hart); Bad Grrls, Gadgets & Guerrilla Tactics University of Leeds, Sep 07 for Digital Arts & Performance Symposium; Signals 5 - Antenna Studios, London, Sep 06
3rd July 2010 (Galerija MAS, Odzaci / MAS Gallery, Odzaci)
• Tonya McMullan (Northern Ireland): “TRANSCEND” performance
Tonya McMullan (Northern Ireland)
Diploma in foundation studies: - U.W.E, Bristol, Sept 2000 – June 2001
BA Sculpture: - Edinburgh College of Art, Oct, 2001 – June, 2004
2009 'Culture Night', Ad Hoc members exhibition, Ad Hoc Studios, Belfast, September; 'On The Edge' group show, City East Enterprise centre, Belfast, September; ‘From Daiegan with Love’, the good hatchery, Co. Offaly, Ireland, July; ‘Project 3’, Arcade Arts, Carlisle, England, July; Can Serrat, open studios event, El Bruc Barcelona Spain, May
2008 ‘GledinBow’, group show, Edinburgh, organised by echo, August; ‘Unfortunate Encounters’ performance, out of blue, Dalmeny St., Edinburgh, May; ‘Starting Point’, installation in hotel bedroom in the point hotel, Edinburgh, group show organised by echo. February ‘Paper X’, artist book by Sandy Christie; ‘Bloid’, artist book, publication by cuboid
2007 ‘100 Tiny artworks’, The City Gallery, Leicester, November; ‘Visibility Good’, Group show at Antalla Solis Gallery, Ullapool Scotland August; Leith Festival Art Weekender, Group show, Ocean Terminal, Leith, June
2006 Genteel Jewellery, As part of the 2006 Leith Festival, New Kirkgate shopping centre, Leith. June; ‘Playing beyond the ha ha’, Embassy gallery, as part of the 2006 Edinburgh Annuale Edinburgh, 4th Aug – 3rd Sept 2006; ‘My Life Is Best’ Generator Projects, Dundee, August
2005 Transmission members show, Transmission, Glasgow, July
2004 Student exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh February; Degree Show, Edinburgh College of Art June; ‘Stairwell to the lady’, Bronte goes to Hollywood, As part of the Edinburgh Annuale , Bruntsfield Place Edinburgh August
2003 A response to war, Roxy arthouse, Drummond Street, Edinburgh April; Gas works electricity sucks, New street car park, Edinburgh July; Gas works electricity sucks two, New street car park, Edinburgh August; Good Housekeeping and contemporary art, Roxy art house, Drummond Street, Edinburgh December
Diploma in foundation studies: - U.W.E, Bristol, Sept 2000 – June 2001
BA Sculpture: - Edinburgh College of Art, Oct, 2001 – June, 2004
2009 'Culture Night', Ad Hoc members exhibition, Ad Hoc Studios, Belfast, September; 'On The Edge' group show, City East Enterprise centre, Belfast, September; ‘From Daiegan with Love’, the good hatchery, Co. Offaly, Ireland, July; ‘Project 3’, Arcade Arts, Carlisle, England, July; Can Serrat, open studios event, El Bruc Barcelona Spain, May
2008 ‘GledinBow’, group show, Edinburgh, organised by echo, August; ‘Unfortunate Encounters’ performance, out of blue, Dalmeny St., Edinburgh, May; ‘Starting Point’, installation in hotel bedroom in the point hotel, Edinburgh, group show organised by echo. February ‘Paper X’, artist book by Sandy Christie; ‘Bloid’, artist book, publication by cuboid
2007 ‘100 Tiny artworks’, The City Gallery, Leicester, November; ‘Visibility Good’, Group show at Antalla Solis Gallery, Ullapool Scotland August; Leith Festival Art Weekender, Group show, Ocean Terminal, Leith, June
2006 Genteel Jewellery, As part of the 2006 Leith Festival, New Kirkgate shopping centre, Leith. June; ‘Playing beyond the ha ha’, Embassy gallery, as part of the 2006 Edinburgh Annuale Edinburgh, 4th Aug – 3rd Sept 2006; ‘My Life Is Best’ Generator Projects, Dundee, August
2005 Transmission members show, Transmission, Glasgow, July
2004 Student exhibition, Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh February; Degree Show, Edinburgh College of Art June; ‘Stairwell to the lady’, Bronte goes to Hollywood, As part of the Edinburgh Annuale , Bruntsfield Place Edinburgh August
2003 A response to war, Roxy arthouse, Drummond Street, Edinburgh April; Gas works electricity sucks, New street car park, Edinburgh July; Gas works electricity sucks two, New street car park, Edinburgh August; Good Housekeeping and contemporary art, Roxy art house, Drummond Street, Edinburgh December
17th and 18th September 2010 (Galerija MAS, Odzaci / MAS Gallery, Odzaci)
• Heike Pfingsten (Germany): “GALLON” performance
Heike Pfingsten (Germany)
Born 26.07.1978.
Diploma in „Cultural Studies, Aesthetics and Applied Arts“ equiv. master level
Academic Education
october 1997 Universitiy Hildesheim, „Cultural Studies, Aesthetics and Applied Arts“
main topics: theatre, cultural politics; oct. 2000 – feb. 2001Utrecht School of the Arts (NL); december 2003 Completion of the course at the university Hildesheim; july 2006 – sept. 2009 Phd-student at the university Hildesheim, topic of the doctorade: „Regional Identity and cultural globalization. Chances and challengens of foreign culture politics.“
Further Studies
feb. 2004 – jan. 2005 Residence in Malaysia, since march 2006 Participation in different workshops and lectures of performance art
Work experience
since jan. 2007 Chairman of IPAH e.V. (International Performance Association Hildesheim); since sept. 2009 Assistence of raumsichten (engl.: spacespectives); a D-NL project of art in public space (www.raumsichten.org)
Organization of performance art events
2009 Art of Encounter III, Ideenstiftung e.V./IPAH e.V.,Hildesheim, Ilsede - Exchange with artist from Indonesia, Cooperation with Ferial Afiff, Boris Nieslony and Helge Meyer; Blow! 7, Ideenstiftung e.V., Ilsede, Bad Salzdetfurt - Exchange with Latinamerican artist - Cooperation with Alexander del Re and Helge Meyer; 2008 Zoom Southeast Asia, IPAH e.V., Hildesheim, In cooperation with Chumpon Apisuk and Jürgen Fritz; Blow! 5, Ideenstiftung e.V., Ilsede Exchange with artist from Singapur Cooperation with Helge Meyer; International Performance Art Summercamp, IPAH e.V./ Schloss Bröllin e.V., Bröllin; 2007 2. International Meeting of Performance Art, IPAH e.V., Hildesheim, Art of Encounter II, Hildesheim - Exchange with artits from Japan, Cooperation with Sakiko Yamaoka and Boris Nieslony
Performance works
28.04. - 02.05.2010 TROUBLE, Les Halles, Bruxelles, Belgium - pink unicorn & black sherrif, Duo with Marcio Shimabukuro; 15. - 17.10. 2009 VITAE: Evento Internacional de Arte de Performance, Fundación CELARG, Caracas, Venezuela - gallon, Version 6, Solo - Pink Unicorn, group performance; 22. - 27.09.2009 10. Open International Performance Art Festival, Beijing; China - gallon, Version 5, Solo - Pink Unicorn, Solo, 16. -18.07.2009 PERFORMANCE beHANDLUNGSRAUM, Fredericianum Kassel - Pink Unicorn, Solo; 05.02.2009 Wettbüro, Hildesheim, Pink Unicorn, group performance; 08. - 12. 10.2008 Zoom Südostasien, Hildesheim - gallon, Version 4, Solo - IPAH-group performance; 14. - 15. 10.2007 2. International Encounter of Performance Art, Hildesheim - May I have your clothe for my performance?, Solo
- NaH GPs, Duo with Nadine Grobeis - IPAH-group performance; 15. - 16.08.2007 mehrsicht Festival, Braunschweig - NaH GPs, Duo with Nadine Grobeis; 29.07.2007 Art of Encounter II, Hildesheim - gallon, Version 3, Solo; 21.07.2007 IPAH-Summercamp, Berlin - gallon, Version 2, Solo; 23.04.2007. Nachtbar, Stadttheater Hildesheim - IPAH-group performance; 11.02.2007. New Territories, International Festival of Live Arts, Glasgow - guest of the Black-Market Performance; 04.11.2006 kulturama Festival, Hildesheim - IPAH-group performance; 14. - 17.11.2006 1. Internationales Treffen der Performance Art, Hildesheim - performance No. I, Version 1, Solo; 28.05.2006 In your place, Kunstverein Hildesheim - study to give away; 26.03.2006. body, image & the other, Kunstverein Hildesheim - fingerprint, Solo - gallon, Solo
Born 26.07.1978.
Diploma in „Cultural Studies, Aesthetics and Applied Arts“ equiv. master level
Academic Education
october 1997 Universitiy Hildesheim, „Cultural Studies, Aesthetics and Applied Arts“
main topics: theatre, cultural politics; oct. 2000 – feb. 2001Utrecht School of the Arts (NL); december 2003 Completion of the course at the university Hildesheim; july 2006 – sept. 2009 Phd-student at the university Hildesheim, topic of the doctorade: „Regional Identity and cultural globalization. Chances and challengens of foreign culture politics.“
Further Studies
feb. 2004 – jan. 2005 Residence in Malaysia, since march 2006 Participation in different workshops and lectures of performance art
Work experience
since jan. 2007 Chairman of IPAH e.V. (International Performance Association Hildesheim); since sept. 2009 Assistence of raumsichten (engl.: spacespectives); a D-NL project of art in public space (www.raumsichten.org)
Organization of performance art events
2009 Art of Encounter III, Ideenstiftung e.V./IPAH e.V.,Hildesheim, Ilsede - Exchange with artist from Indonesia, Cooperation with Ferial Afiff, Boris Nieslony and Helge Meyer; Blow! 7, Ideenstiftung e.V., Ilsede, Bad Salzdetfurt - Exchange with Latinamerican artist - Cooperation with Alexander del Re and Helge Meyer; 2008 Zoom Southeast Asia, IPAH e.V., Hildesheim, In cooperation with Chumpon Apisuk and Jürgen Fritz; Blow! 5, Ideenstiftung e.V., Ilsede Exchange with artist from Singapur Cooperation with Helge Meyer; International Performance Art Summercamp, IPAH e.V./ Schloss Bröllin e.V., Bröllin; 2007 2. International Meeting of Performance Art, IPAH e.V., Hildesheim, Art of Encounter II, Hildesheim - Exchange with artits from Japan, Cooperation with Sakiko Yamaoka and Boris Nieslony
Performance works
28.04. - 02.05.2010 TROUBLE, Les Halles, Bruxelles, Belgium - pink unicorn & black sherrif, Duo with Marcio Shimabukuro; 15. - 17.10. 2009 VITAE: Evento Internacional de Arte de Performance, Fundación CELARG, Caracas, Venezuela - gallon, Version 6, Solo - Pink Unicorn, group performance; 22. - 27.09.2009 10. Open International Performance Art Festival, Beijing; China - gallon, Version 5, Solo - Pink Unicorn, Solo, 16. -18.07.2009 PERFORMANCE beHANDLUNGSRAUM, Fredericianum Kassel - Pink Unicorn, Solo; 05.02.2009 Wettbüro, Hildesheim, Pink Unicorn, group performance; 08. - 12. 10.2008 Zoom Südostasien, Hildesheim - gallon, Version 4, Solo - IPAH-group performance; 14. - 15. 10.2007 2. International Encounter of Performance Art, Hildesheim - May I have your clothe for my performance?, Solo
- NaH GPs, Duo with Nadine Grobeis - IPAH-group performance; 15. - 16.08.2007 mehrsicht Festival, Braunschweig - NaH GPs, Duo with Nadine Grobeis; 29.07.2007 Art of Encounter II, Hildesheim - gallon, Version 3, Solo; 21.07.2007 IPAH-Summercamp, Berlin - gallon, Version 2, Solo; 23.04.2007. Nachtbar, Stadttheater Hildesheim - IPAH-group performance; 11.02.2007. New Territories, International Festival of Live Arts, Glasgow - guest of the Black-Market Performance; 04.11.2006 kulturama Festival, Hildesheim - IPAH-group performance; 14. - 17.11.2006 1. Internationales Treffen der Performance Art, Hildesheim - performance No. I, Version 1, Solo; 28.05.2006 In your place, Kunstverein Hildesheim - study to give away; 26.03.2006. body, image & the other, Kunstverein Hildesheim - fingerprint, Solo - gallon, Solo
• Ana Alenso (Venezuela): “WAY” video action (performed by Petar Peric)
Ana Alenso (Venezuela)
Ana Alenso was born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1982; she lives and works in Weimar, Germany.
She graduated in 2004, from the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores de Artes Plásticas Armando Reverón, in Fine Arts, specialising in painting. Her line of research explores the reationship of the human body with different media such as painting, photography, video and performance. Since 2000, Ana has actively participated in several group performances, at different auditoriums and biennial exhibitions of Contemporary Art, as well as several international and national performance festivals. Furthermore, since 2005, Ana has taken part in several group projects which stem from an interest in the sound and contemporary arts. Along with this work, Ana currently develops curatorial research devoted to performance art, through the organization and promotion of different festivals and performance-art cycles. Amongst these, an independent project named 'nomasdecinco', which have been occupying regularly different exhibit spaces in Venezuela since 2007. Ana has also participated, as a lecturer, in several national and international workshops and conferences, in which she has provided insight about her research into perfomance art.
In 2009 she was awarded a scholarship from 'DAAD' and 'Fundayacucho'. She is currently undergoing a Master's degree in Art and Media at Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany, where she continues to explore new technological and alternative means, which offer the artist new possibilities for interaction and installation of new ideas in the space.
Ana Alenso was born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1982; she lives and works in Weimar, Germany.
She graduated in 2004, from the Instituto Universitario de Estudios Superiores de Artes Plásticas Armando Reverón, in Fine Arts, specialising in painting. Her line of research explores the reationship of the human body with different media such as painting, photography, video and performance. Since 2000, Ana has actively participated in several group performances, at different auditoriums and biennial exhibitions of Contemporary Art, as well as several international and national performance festivals. Furthermore, since 2005, Ana has taken part in several group projects which stem from an interest in the sound and contemporary arts. Along with this work, Ana currently develops curatorial research devoted to performance art, through the organization and promotion of different festivals and performance-art cycles. Amongst these, an independent project named 'nomasdecinco', which have been occupying regularly different exhibit spaces in Venezuela since 2007. Ana has also participated, as a lecturer, in several national and international workshops and conferences, in which she has provided insight about her research into perfomance art.
In 2009 she was awarded a scholarship from 'DAAD' and 'Fundayacucho'. She is currently undergoing a Master's degree in Art and Media at Bauhaus University, Weimar, Germany, where she continues to explore new technological and alternative means, which offer the artist new possibilities for interaction and installation of new ideas in the space.
• Dragan Vojvodic (Serbia): “WINDOWS 2010” performance
Dragan Vojvodic (Serbia)
Born in Kula, 1965 year. Studies, Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo began 1991. 1996 graduate in Academy of Art in Novi Sad. He is a member of SULUV and ULUS.
Selected solo exhibitions (the last 4 years.):
2010. Taattooed room, Ozone Gallery, Belgrade
2009. Tattooed girl's room, Erro Nelimarkka Museum, Alajarvi, Finland
2008. Inside-Outside, Titanik Gallery, Turku, Finland
2007. Hiperborejci (installations), Sertorio trg, Evora; Excavated marble, Borba; Obras, Center for the Arts, Herdade da Marmeleira, Portugal
2007. In the meantime (with A.Tisma i M.Stojanovic), Katakombe, Budapest, Hungary
2007. Organism, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad
2007. Reflections and braids (with M.Blanusa i Z.Grozdanic) Golden Eye Gallery, Novi Sad i Torhaus, Dortmund, Germany
2006.Teeth, SIM-house, Rejkjavik, Island
2006. Art Tech, digital arts festival, Pancevo first prize in the category of live video
Born in Kula, 1965 year. Studies, Academy of Fine Arts in Sarajevo began 1991. 1996 graduate in Academy of Art in Novi Sad. He is a member of SULUV and ULUS.
Selected solo exhibitions (the last 4 years.):
2010. Taattooed room, Ozone Gallery, Belgrade
2009. Tattooed girl's room, Erro Nelimarkka Museum, Alajarvi, Finland
2008. Inside-Outside, Titanik Gallery, Turku, Finland
2007. Hiperborejci (installations), Sertorio trg, Evora; Excavated marble, Borba; Obras, Center for the Arts, Herdade da Marmeleira, Portugal
2007. In the meantime (with A.Tisma i M.Stojanovic), Katakombe, Budapest, Hungary
2007. Organism, Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad
2007. Reflections and braids (with M.Blanusa i Z.Grozdanic) Golden Eye Gallery, Novi Sad i Torhaus, Dortmund, Germany
2006.Teeth, SIM-house, Rejkjavik, Island
2006. Art Tech, digital arts festival, Pancevo first prize in the category of live video
• Gordana Zlatanovic (Serbia): “CHRISTMAS DWARFS (Man who hates voodoo)” performance
Gordana Zlatanovic (Serbia)
Date of birth: 06/09/1974, Odzaci, Serbia
Common exhibitions:
Date of birth: 06/09/1974, Odzaci, Serbia
Common exhibitions:
• Nenad Bogdanovic (Serbia): “ART = LIFE (GAMBLE)” performance
Nenad Bogdanovic (Serbia)
Born in 1955 in Odzaci, Serbia. Freelance visual and performance artist, publisher and curator. Member of art societies of Vojvodina (SULUV) and Serbia (ULUS). From 1984 to 1988 founded and published international art magazines "Total" and "Second Manifesto". Curator of various international art projects and exhibitions (since 1980). Founder of Multimedial Art Studio and MAS Gallery in Odzaci, Serbia. Organiser and curator of International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF, since 1998. In 2003 year realised two art performances on 50th International Biennial of Venice (International Art Project: Brain Academy Apartment).
Born in 1955 in Odzaci, Serbia. Freelance visual and performance artist, publisher and curator. Member of art societies of Vojvodina (SULUV) and Serbia (ULUS). From 1984 to 1988 founded and published international art magazines "Total" and "Second Manifesto". Curator of various international art projects and exhibitions (since 1980). Founder of Multimedial Art Studio and MAS Gallery in Odzaci, Serbia. Organiser and curator of International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF, since 1998. In 2003 year realised two art performances on 50th International Biennial of Venice (International Art Project: Brain Academy Apartment).
• MP_art (Serbia): “MP_per_16 HENTAI SERBIA” performance
MP_art (Serbia)
Since January 2003 Maja Budzarov and Predrag Sidjanin are working together at their mutual art project called MP_art by using performance [sometimes modern dance], installation as well as digital images, sound installations, web art and video in combination with traditional art media such as paintings, glass and ceramic. They exhibited in the following countries: Hungary, Austria, England, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Croatia, France and Serbia. They got three months residence program from Styria ministry of culture, Graz, Austria, during 2007. Their works are in possession of the Museum of contemporary art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia; the Neue Galerie Graz, Graz, Austria; The Museum Macura, Novi Banovci, Serbia; The Shadow Museum, Belgrade, Serbia and also in many private collections. More about their art activities are on the URL: www.mpart.nl
Since January 2003 Maja Budzarov and Predrag Sidjanin are working together at their mutual art project called MP_art by using performance [sometimes modern dance], installation as well as digital images, sound installations, web art and video in combination with traditional art media such as paintings, glass and ceramic. They exhibited in the following countries: Hungary, Austria, England, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Croatia, France and Serbia. They got three months residence program from Styria ministry of culture, Graz, Austria, during 2007. Their works are in possession of the Museum of contemporary art of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, Serbia; the Neue Galerie Graz, Graz, Austria; The Museum Macura, Novi Banovci, Serbia; The Shadow Museum, Belgrade, Serbia and also in many private collections. More about their art activities are on the URL: www.mpart.nl
• Pilar Talavera (Peru): “POSITIVE HOMESICK PILLS THE ODZACI CHAPTER” video performance
Pilar Talavera (Peru)
Pilar Talavera was born in Lima, Peru. She is currently undergoing an MFA in Barcelona, Spain. She has presented performance, video art and installations in several locations in her native country as well as Spain and Portugal. Her performance art pieces have been presented at "Ensemble of Women" performance art festival in Santiago, Chile in 2007; at "Interakcje" international performance art festival in Piotrków-Trybunalski, Poland, as well as "Accion / Ackja" in Krákow, Poland, and at "Blow!" festival in Ilsede, Germany in 2009.
Pilar Talavera was born in Lima, Peru. She is currently undergoing an MFA in Barcelona, Spain. She has presented performance, video art and installations in several locations in her native country as well as Spain and Portugal. Her performance art pieces have been presented at "Ensemble of Women" performance art festival in Santiago, Chile in 2007; at "Interakcje" international performance art festival in Piotrków-Trybunalski, Poland, as well as "Accion / Ackja" in Krákow, Poland, and at "Blow!" festival in Ilsede, Germany in 2009.
• Radoslav B. Chugaly (Serbia): “MOBBING” performance
Radoslav B. Chugaly (Serbia)
Conceptual artist, poet, performer, works with artistic objects and instalations, participated on many colective art exhibitions and festivals in Europe, Asia and America. Works in Odzaci.
Selected live participations:
2000. - IMAF 2000, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2001. - Gallery "Multimedia Arts", Novi Sad, Serbia - Artfort Festival, Komarom, Hungary - IMAF 2001, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2002. - IMAF 2002, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2003. - PerformaNS, Gallery "Golden Eye" Novi Sad, Serbia - IMAF 2003, " Kamariste", Odzaci, Serbia / 2004. - IMAF 2004, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2005. - Transformation, International Festival, Zrenjanin, Serbia - IMAF 2005, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia - IMAF 2005, Students Cultural Center, Belgrade, Serbia / 2006. - IMAF 2006 "IZBA", Novi Sad, Serbia / 2007. - "Performance Time", Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul, Turkey - "INFANT", KCNS, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Conceptual artist, poet, performer, works with artistic objects and instalations, participated on many colective art exhibitions and festivals in Europe, Asia and America. Works in Odzaci.
Selected live participations:
2000. - IMAF 2000, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2001. - Gallery "Multimedia Arts", Novi Sad, Serbia - Artfort Festival, Komarom, Hungary - IMAF 2001, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2002. - IMAF 2002, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2003. - PerformaNS, Gallery "Golden Eye" Novi Sad, Serbia - IMAF 2003, " Kamariste", Odzaci, Serbia / 2004. - IMAF 2004, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2005. - Transformation, International Festival, Zrenjanin, Serbia - IMAF 2005, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia - IMAF 2005, Students Cultural Center, Belgrade, Serbia / 2006. - IMAF 2006 "IZBA", Novi Sad, Serbia / 2007. - "Performance Time", Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul, Turkey - "INFANT", KCNS, Novi Sad, Serbia.
• Stanisa Krstic (Serbia): “GENTLE SWING OF DESTRUCTION” performance
Stanisa Krstic (Serbia)
Stanisa Krstic was born in Odžaci on November 27th, 1977. His first exhibition was in 1994.
He was not only painter but perfomer, music producer, writer.
In 2009 at international art project "collaboration" he was installed his first installation with Gordana Bezanov.
After that, his work is not in underground anymore.He participate in IMAF 2009 with performance "Levitation", soon after at Night of the Museums with performance "Infected".
Stanisa Krstic was born in Odžaci on November 27th, 1977. His first exhibition was in 1994.
He was not only painter but perfomer, music producer, writer.
In 2009 at international art project "collaboration" he was installed his first installation with Gordana Bezanov.
After that, his work is not in underground anymore.He participate in IMAF 2009 with performance "Levitation", soon after at Night of the Museums with performance "Infected".
• Henrik Hedinge (Sweden): “GenderFlux” performance
Henrik Hedinge (Sweden)
Born in Sweden in 1980.
Have presented performances live at galleries, museums, performance festivals and cultural centres in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, England, Italy, Norway, Paraguay, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey, Uruguay and Venezuela.
SELECTION: "Tortura de frutas", Mueseo de los Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela
"Fútbol congelado" (frozen fotball), at the performance festival Documenta Misqhui, Quito, Ecuador. Video performances have been screened or in other way presented at art festivals, performance festivals, film festivals, museums and galleries in Argentina, Australia, Estonia, Germany, Mexico, Norway, Peru, Russia, Sweden.
SELECTION: The project "Instructions Sweden Mexico" was shown in the exhibition "Performance y Novo Tecnologías" in the CentroMultiMedia, Museo de Bellas Artes, México City, México.
The video "Fruity Torture" was shown at the performance festival Exist in 08, Brisbane, Australia.
Have participated in exhibitions with own performance material at galleries, museums and cultural centres in Brazil, Canada, Italy, Sweden, Paraguay and Slovenia.
SELECTION: “Sobre as águas, a solidão o olhar”, Galería Homero Massena, Vitória, Brasil.
"Muestra performativo", Galeria Planta Alta, Asunción, Paraguay.
Have presented lectures about my practice as an artist and about performance at universities, museums, cultural centras, performance festivals and in schools in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, England, Italian, Norway, Paraguay, Serbia, Sweden, Venezuela.
SELECTION: Among others, Museo Bellas Artes in Caracas, KIR Folkhögskola i Stavanger and at a number of universities in Latin America: San Buenventura (Bogota, Colombia), Universidad Central (Quito, Ecuador), Universidad de Córdoba (Córdoba, Argentina), the universities Instituto Superior de los Bellas Artes and Instituto Superior de las Artes (Asunción, Paraguay).
Have organized performance workshops and labs for galleries, cultural centres and schools in Bolivia, Paraguay and Sweden.
SELECTION: Performance workshops for Kiosko Galleria (Boliva), the plastic art education at Värnamo High school, the art degree at the Folk High School in Halmstad.
Have curated and organised screenings of performance videos at festivals and galleries in Paraguay and Sweden.
SELECTION: Screening of performance videos by Öyvind Fahlmström (Sweden/Brazil) and Moe Satt (Burma), Galeria Planta Alta, Asunción, Paraguay in cooperation with the publisher Schultz Förlag, Stockholm/Paris.
Performance art from Colombia and the Dominican Republic at the Peptalk Performance Festival, Karlskrona, Sweden.
Curated and organized international exhibitions about performance in Sweden:
"21 artists 21 countries", 21 artists based in 21 countries about performance.
"Create, Curate and Collaborate" Exhibition within the field of performance with individual artists (Create) from Burma and the Philippines; collectives or collaborations (Collaborate) from Colombia and Mexico; curated projects (Curate) from India, Mexico and Venezuela.
Performance residencies in Italy, Estonia, Norway, Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay.
Curated and coordinated the publication of an anthology about performance in Latin America. Organized the presentations of the book at the bookfair of Göteborg, Sweden, (in cooperation with the publisher Schultz Förlag Stockholm/Paris) and at the bookfair of Asunción (in cooperation with Eloisa Cartonera, Buenos Aires, and Felicita Cartonera, Asunción). Translation in progress.
Camera assistant during the recording of the documentary about Jim Dine and his Pinocchio sculpture in Borås, Sweden. (Production: the publisher Schultz Förlag (Stockholm/Paris).
Coordinated and organised the 3 day long performance cooperation COLAB07 between a gallery in Sweden, one in Colombia and at a theatre in Roma.
Born in Sweden in 1980.
Have presented performances live at galleries, museums, performance festivals and cultural centres in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, England, Italy, Norway, Paraguay, Serbia, Sweden, Turkey, Uruguay and Venezuela.
SELECTION: "Tortura de frutas", Mueseo de los Bellas Artes, Caracas, Venezuela
"Fútbol congelado" (frozen fotball), at the performance festival Documenta Misqhui, Quito, Ecuador. Video performances have been screened or in other way presented at art festivals, performance festivals, film festivals, museums and galleries in Argentina, Australia, Estonia, Germany, Mexico, Norway, Peru, Russia, Sweden.
SELECTION: The project "Instructions Sweden Mexico" was shown in the exhibition "Performance y Novo Tecnologías" in the CentroMultiMedia, Museo de Bellas Artes, México City, México.
The video "Fruity Torture" was shown at the performance festival Exist in 08, Brisbane, Australia.
Have participated in exhibitions with own performance material at galleries, museums and cultural centres in Brazil, Canada, Italy, Sweden, Paraguay and Slovenia.
SELECTION: “Sobre as águas, a solidão o olhar”, Galería Homero Massena, Vitória, Brasil.
"Muestra performativo", Galeria Planta Alta, Asunción, Paraguay.
Have presented lectures about my practice as an artist and about performance at universities, museums, cultural centras, performance festivals and in schools in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, England, Italian, Norway, Paraguay, Serbia, Sweden, Venezuela.
SELECTION: Among others, Museo Bellas Artes in Caracas, KIR Folkhögskola i Stavanger and at a number of universities in Latin America: San Buenventura (Bogota, Colombia), Universidad Central (Quito, Ecuador), Universidad de Córdoba (Córdoba, Argentina), the universities Instituto Superior de los Bellas Artes and Instituto Superior de las Artes (Asunción, Paraguay).
Have organized performance workshops and labs for galleries, cultural centres and schools in Bolivia, Paraguay and Sweden.
SELECTION: Performance workshops for Kiosko Galleria (Boliva), the plastic art education at Värnamo High school, the art degree at the Folk High School in Halmstad.
Have curated and organised screenings of performance videos at festivals and galleries in Paraguay and Sweden.
SELECTION: Screening of performance videos by Öyvind Fahlmström (Sweden/Brazil) and Moe Satt (Burma), Galeria Planta Alta, Asunción, Paraguay in cooperation with the publisher Schultz Förlag, Stockholm/Paris.
Performance art from Colombia and the Dominican Republic at the Peptalk Performance Festival, Karlskrona, Sweden.
Curated and organized international exhibitions about performance in Sweden:
"21 artists 21 countries", 21 artists based in 21 countries about performance.
"Create, Curate and Collaborate" Exhibition within the field of performance with individual artists (Create) from Burma and the Philippines; collectives or collaborations (Collaborate) from Colombia and Mexico; curated projects (Curate) from India, Mexico and Venezuela.
Performance residencies in Italy, Estonia, Norway, Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay.
Curated and coordinated the publication of an anthology about performance in Latin America. Organized the presentations of the book at the bookfair of Göteborg, Sweden, (in cooperation with the publisher Schultz Förlag Stockholm/Paris) and at the bookfair of Asunción (in cooperation with Eloisa Cartonera, Buenos Aires, and Felicita Cartonera, Asunción). Translation in progress.
Camera assistant during the recording of the documentary about Jim Dine and his Pinocchio sculpture in Borås, Sweden. (Production: the publisher Schultz Förlag (Stockholm/Paris).
Coordinated and organised the 3 day long performance cooperation COLAB07 between a gallery in Sweden, one in Colombia and at a theatre in Roma.
• Caterina Davinio (Italy): “THE FIRST POETRY SPACE SHUTTLE LANDING ON SECOND LIFE” video (Music: Mirko Lalit Egger)
Caterina Davinio (Italy)
Caterina Davinio (concept, installation Second Life, video) (B. Foggia, IT, 1957)
Multimedia artist, writer, and e-poet. Painter and poetry performer in the 80s, in 1990 she was a pioneer of Italian digital poetry. In 1998 she was the initiator of Italian Net-poetry, a development of net-art related to multi-located events, based on line and in real spaces. Her work has been presented in many countries in Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia, Australia, six times in the Venice Biennale and Collateral Events, where she collaborated also as curator. Other biennials: Biennale of Sidney (Online Venue 2008), Athens Biennial (2007), Liverpool Biennial (Independents 2006, and 2008), Biennales de Lyon (1999 and 2007), New Media Art Biennial (Merida, Yucatan/Mexico, 2003), and others. Among her publications: Color color (novel, 1998), Techno-Poetry and Virtual Realities (It - Engl., essay, 2002), Fenomenologie seriali (poems collection, forthcoming with Campanotto publisher).
Caterina Davinio (concept, installation Second Life, video) (B. Foggia, IT, 1957)
Multimedia artist, writer, and e-poet. Painter and poetry performer in the 80s, in 1990 she was a pioneer of Italian digital poetry. In 1998 she was the initiator of Italian Net-poetry, a development of net-art related to multi-located events, based on line and in real spaces. Her work has been presented in many countries in Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia, Australia, six times in the Venice Biennale and Collateral Events, where she collaborated also as curator. Other biennials: Biennale of Sidney (Online Venue 2008), Athens Biennial (2007), Liverpool Biennial (Independents 2006, and 2008), Biennales de Lyon (1999 and 2007), New Media Art Biennial (Merida, Yucatan/Mexico, 2003), and others. Among her publications: Color color (novel, 1998), Techno-Poetry and Virtual Realities (It - Engl., essay, 2002), Fenomenologie seriali (poems collection, forthcoming with Campanotto publisher).
IMAF 12 Support: