26. Međunarodni festival multimedijalne umetnosti - IMAF 2024
26th International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF 2024
31. 08. 2024. - 13. 09. 2024.
Odzaci - Novi Sad
Krajem avgusta i početkom septembra meseca održaće se prvo postjubilarno izdanje Međunarodnog festivala multimedijalne umetnosti – IMAF. Prošle godine je obeležena jubilarna 25. godina IMAF festivala sa raznim umetničkim dešavanjima, koja će se, svi su izgledi, nastaviti u sličnom duhu i ove godine. IMAF festival je jedinstvena manifestacija koja promoviše multimedijalne umetnosti, dajući poseban akcenat na umetnost performansa i akcije umetnosti uživo. Festival umetničkog performansa IMAF sadrži određene specifičnosti u organizaciji i sprovođenju programa festivala, i kao takav individualno egzistira veoma uspešno u svetu performance art-a.
Ovogodišnji 26. Međunarodni festival multimedijalne umetnosti – IMAF 2024 startuje 31. avgusta dečijim umetničkim projektom „Dan zeca“. Poslednje tri godine, u okviru programa IMAF festivala, održava se umetnička manifestacija pod nazivom “Dan zeca” i dečija likovna radionica. Spajk Meklariti (Spike Mclarrity) je autor ovog zanimljivog projekta, nakon izuzetno uspešnih dešavanja proteklih godina, odlučio se da po četvrti put, uz pomoć festivala IMAF, organizuje “Dan zeca”. Ova dečja manifestacija će biti realizovana na platou ispred Sportskog centra Odžaci.
Projekat onlajn prezentacije video zapisa performansa na YouTube kanalu festivala IMAF će biti realizovan od 07. do 13. septembra 2024. godine. Ovaj umetnički video program na društvenoj mreži YouTube je započet 2020. godine u toku pandemije Korona virusa. Tada, “zahvaljujući” pandemiji i zabranama okupljanja na javnim mestima, osmislili smo onlajn prezentaciju radova/performansa koja se održala svih ovih godina, te će biti realizovana i ove godine takođe. Ovogodišnja onlajn prezentacija video zapisa performansa sadrži 35 radova od preko 40 umetnika iz 27 zemalja širom sveta.
Još jedna od pratećih dešavanja u okviru IMAF 2024 je i međunarodna multimedijalna izložba. Fotografije, digitalni printovi i video radovi poslatih za ovogodišnju onlajn prezentaciju, biće eksponati za multimedijalnu izložbu pod nazivom “IMAF + 35”. Tako da su učesnici onlajn prezentacije istovremeno i izlagači na izložbi “IMAF + 35”. Izložba će biti održana od 07. do 13. septembra u galeriji SULUV u Novom Sadu.
Glavni program 26. Međunarodnog festivala multimedijalne umetnosti – IMAF 2024, su prezentacije umetničkih akcija i performansa uživo, koje će biti održane 07. i 08. septembra 2024. godine. Festival se održava duži niz godina sada već tradicionalno u galeriji SULUV u Novom Sadu. Na otvorenom konkursu, početkom godine, se prijavio veliki broj umetnika i umetničkih grupa iz celog sveta. Za učešće uživo, na ovogodišnjem 26. izdanju festivala IMAF, su odabrani sledeći umetnici: Alexandra Holownia (Poljska-Nemačka), Alkistis Voulgari (Grčka), Dirk Thorwarth (Nemačka), Frank Homeyer (Nemačka), Michela Montrasio (Italija), Paco Justicia (Španija), Spike Mclarrity (Velika Britanija), Flutura Preka (Albanija-Kanada), Besnik Haxhillari (Albanija-Kanada), Saša Denić – Špena (Srbija), Nenad Bogdanovic (Srbija).
At the end of August and the beginning of September, the first post-jubilee edition of the International Multimedia Art Festival - IMAF will be held. Last year, the 25th anniversary of the IMAF festival was marked with various artistic events, which, in all likelihood, will continue in a similar spirit this year. The IMAF festival is a unique manifestation that promotes multimedia arts, giving special emphasis to performance art and live art actions. The IMAF performance art festival contains certain specificities in the organization and implementation of the festival program, and as such it exists individually very successfully in the world of performance art.
This year's 26th International Multimedia Art Festival - IMAF 2024 starts on August 31st with the children's art project "Day of the Rabbit". For the last three years, as part of the IMAF festival program, an artistic manifestation called "Day of the Rabbit " and a children's art workshop have been held. Spike Mclarity is the author of this interesting project, after extremely successful events in the past years, he decided to organize "Day of the Rabbit " for the fourth time, with the help of the IMAF festival. This children's event will be held on the plateau in front of the Odzaci Sports Center.
The project of online presentation of performance videos on the YouTube channel of the IMAF festival will be implemented from September 7th to September 13th, 2024. This artistic video program on the YouTube social network was started in 2020 during the Corona virus pandemic. Then, "thanks" to the pandemic and bans on gatherings in public places, we designed an online presentation of works/performances that took place all these years, and will be realized this year as well. This year's online performance video presentation features 35 works by over 40 artists from 27 countries around the world.
Another of the accompanying events within IMAF 2024 is the international multimedia exhibition. The photographs, digital prints and video works submitted for this year's online presentation will be exhibits for the multimedia exhibition entitled "IMAF + 35". So the participants of the online presentation are also exhibitors at the "IMAF + 35" exhibition. The exhibition will be held from September 7th to 13th in the SULUV gallery in Novi Sad.
The main program of the 26th International Festival of Multimedia Arts - IMAF 2024 is the presentation of artistic actions and live performances, which will be held on September 7th and 8th, 2024. The festival has traditionally been held for many years now in the SULUV gallery in Novi Sad. At the open competition at the beginning of the year, a large number of artists and art groups from all over the world applied. The following artists have been selected to participate live at this year's 26th edition of the IMAF festival: Alexandra Holownia (Poland-Germany), Alkistis Voulgari (Greece), Dirk Thorwarth (Germany), Frank Homeyer (Germany), Michela Montrasio (Italy), Paco Justicia (Spain), Spike Mclarrity (Great Britain), Flutura Preka (Albania-Canada), Besnik Haxhillari (Albania-Canada), Saša Denić-Špena (Serbia), Nenad Bogdanović (Serbia).
- Abdoul Aziz Sawadogo (Burkina Faso)
- Abdoul-Ganiou Dermani (Togo-Germany)
- Alexandra Holownia (Poland - Germany)
- Alina Tofan and Teodora Rotaru (Romania)
- Alireza Amin Mozafari (Iran)
- Anand Jaiswal (India)
- Anand Kumar (India)
- AnimaeNoctis - Silvia Marcantoni Taddel and Massimo Sannelli (Italy)
- Anita Cheng (Hong Kong)
- Anna Vienna Ho (Hong Kong)
- B.L.U.S.H. (Canada)
- Benna Gaean Maris (Italy)
- Craphone Liu (Taiwan)
- Dagmar I. Glausnitzer-Smith (Germany)
- Dora Siafla (Greece)
- Eugenia Grammenou (Greece)
- Eva Dabara (Israel)
- Evgenija Tamnavac (Serbia)
- Gina Tsitseri (Greece)
- Janusz Plota (Poland)
- Jordina Ros - Pere Estadella (Spain) and Murta Azul (Chile)
- Maja Skjøth Hegelund (Danmark)
- Masafumi Oda (Japan)
- Miray Shinan (Israel)
- Mohamed Thara (Morocco - France)
- Nada Milosevic Ash (Serbia)
- Ngagne Pouye (Senegal)
- Nicola Fornoni (Italy)
- Noel Molloy (Ireland)
- Osvaldo Cibils (Uruguay - Spain)
- S.Chandrasekaran (Singapore)
- Satadru Sovan (India)
- Sneh Lata (India)
- Ursula Maria Probst (Austria)
- Yutong Xie (China - Chech Republic)
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Ministarstvo Kulture i Informisanja
Ministry of Culture and Information
Republika Srbija
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