16th International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF 2014
As it was during the last, jubilee edition of IMAF festival, 16th International Multimedia Art Festival presented its programme in three cities of Vojvodina: Odžaci, Banatska Dubica and Novi Sad. Cooperation between MAS Gallery (Multimedia Art Studio), Formwerk (Art Zone) and SULUV Gallery (Association of Fine Artists of Vojvodina) has continued. The result of this cooperation has brought good atmosphere and excellent performances made by artists from Malaisia, Sweden, Canada and Serbia.
So, from October 7th to October 10th, performances have been realised by following invited artists: Chuyia Chia (Malaisia), Stina Pehrsdotter (Sweden), Niclas Hallberg (Sweden), Les Fermières Obsédées (Art group from Canada with: Annie Baillargeon, Marie-Pascale Picard and Marie-Hélène Blay), Danica Bićanić (Serbia), Andrijana Bogdanović-Nešković (Serbia), Radoslav Čugalj (Serbia), Dragan Vojvodić (Serbia), Saša Denić-Špena (Serbia) and Nenad Bogdanović (Serbia).
This annual festival of anti-commercial art forms remained as such this year, enforcing the project of „live art“ where focus of the work is mostly related to the artists body. As much as it hurts, global art scene is stil occupied by commercial philosophy of marketed art works. Cultural institutions and other relevant factors, in spite of decades of proving capital values of „live art“, happenings, body art, action art etc., still aren't interested in investing in art that is hard to sell. What is there to be sold when, as a rule, performing artists in their living creative sculpture, give exclusively themselves.
Quite often, their performances can be „catchy“ and draw the audience inside, as Chuyia Chia, Niclas Hallberg and Andrijana Bogdanović-Nešković did this year. Play “Marilyn in the sky with diamonds” that incorporates many elements of the theatre has been performed by three-member group Les Fermières Obsédées from Canada. Durational performance that lasted over four hours where Stina Pehrsdotter paints the maze seeds used, at the end of performance, to ask a question “Where is conciousness?”. In his first performance Saša Denić - Špena points us to many problems and bad things and events worldwide inviting us to observe, think and react. Nenad Bogdanović “writes” poetry with rose petals about the illusion of passionate dedication to a relationship that we nurture, develope and wrongly call love. Autobiographical performances were made by Dragan Vojvodić with symbols and objects leading us through turbulent events of the last decade of the 20th century and breaking of Yugoslavia; Radoslav Čugalj whom, in order to be “Survivor of transition”, uses the hammer to straighten pre-used nails, Danica Bićanić forms imaginary path with drawings, using them to „represent and uderstand walking through life experiences that transform and change her, leading her forward“.
Of great importance in realisation of this years IMAF we had support from Ministry of Culture and information of Republic of Serbia, Canada Council for the Arts and Students Cultural Centre of Novi Sad. As it was during all these years, human factor played important role in this Festival also. Special importance was given through efforts and work made by representatives of Association of Fine Artists of Vojvodina, Korina Gubik and Bojana Vlahović and representatives of Formverk (art zone): Stina Pehrsdotter and Niclas Halberg.
International Multimedia Art Festival – IMAF brings, for 16 years in continuity, important works of well known artists of „live art“ to Vojvodina and Serbia from our country and the whole world.
Serbian text:
Kao i prošle, jubilarne petnaestogodišnjice festivala IMAF, 16. Međunarodni festival multimedijalne umetnosti je svoj program predstavio u tri mesta u Vojvodini: Odžaci, Banatska Dubica i Novi Sad. Nastavljena je saradnja Galerije MAS (Studio za multimedijalnu umetnost), Formverk (art zone) i Galerije SULUV (Savez udruženja likovnih umetnika Vojvodine). Rezultat ove saradnje je ponovo doneo dobru atmosferu i izuzetne performans radove umetnika iz Malezije, Švedske, Kanade i Srbije.
Tako su od 7. do 10. septembra 2014. svoje performans radove realizovali sledeći pozvani umetnici: Chuyia Chia (Malezija), Stina Pehrsdotter (Švedska), Niclas Hallberg (Švedska), Les Fermières Obsédées (umetnička grupa iz Kanade sa sledećim članovima: Annie Baillargeon, Marie-Pascale Picard i Marie-Hélène Blay), Danica Bićanić (Srbija), Andrijana Bogdanović-Nešković (Srbija), Radoslav Čugalj (Srbija), Dragan Vojvodić (Srbija), Saša Denić-Špena (Srbija) i Nenad Bogdanović (Srbija).
Ovaj godišnji festival anti-komercijalnih umetničkih formi i ove godine je dosledno sprovodio projekat gde je akcenat na „živoj umetnosti“ u kojem je težište rada uglavnom povezano sa telom umetnika. Koliko god to bilo bolno globalna umetnička scena je i dalje zaokupljena tržišnom filozofijom komercijalnih umetničkih dela. Institucije kulture i drugi relevantni faktori, i pored višedecenijskih uspešnih dokazivanja o kapitalnim vrednostima „žive umetnosti“, hepeninga, bodi arta, akcione umetnosti, itd., nisu i dalje zainteresovani da ulažu u umetnost koja se teško može prodati. Šta bi i moglo da se proda kada po pravilu performans umetnici, u njihovoj živoj stvaralačkoj skulpturi, daju isključivo samog sebe.
Inače njihovi nastupi često znaju da budu vrlo „zarazni“ i da uvuku u svoje predstave i publiku, kao što su to u svojim performansima ove godine učinili Chuyia Chia, Niclas Hallberg i Andrijana Bogdanović-Nešković. Predstavu “Merilin na nebu sa brilijantom” koja u svom sadržaju ima mnoge elemente pozorišta priredila je tročlana grupa Les Fermières Obsédées iz Kanade. Dugotrajni performans od preko četiri časova je rad u kojem Stina Pehrsdotter oslikava zrna kukuruza kojima, na kraju performansa, postavlja pitanje “gde je svest?”. U svom performansu prvencu Saša Denić-Špena nam ukazuje na mnoge problem i lose stvari i događaje širom sveta, i poziva nas da posmatramo, razmislimo i reagujemo. Nenad Bogdanović „piše“ poeziju ružinim laticama o iluziji strastvene posvećenosti nekom odnosu, koji negujemo i razvijamo i pogrešno ga nazivamo ljubav. Performanse autobiografske tematike izveli su: Dragan Vojvodić sa simbolima i objektima koji nas vode kroz turbulentna događanja u poslednjoj deceniji dvadesetog veka i raspada Jugoslavije; Radoslav Čugalj koji, da bi „Preživeli iz tranzicije“, čekićem ispravlja stare već upotrebljivane eksere; Danica Bićanić crtežima obrazuje imaginarni put, koje koristi „da predstavi i razume koračanje kroz životna iskustva koja je menjaju i transformišu, vode “napred”.
U realizaciji ovogodišnjeg šesnaestog izdanja festivala IMAF od izuzetnog značaja je bila podrška Ministarstva kulture i informisanja Republike Srbije, Kanadskog Saveta za umetnost (Canada Council for the Arts) i Studentskog kulturnog centra u Novom Sadu. Kao i svih ovih proteklih godina i ove godine je ljudski faktor u organizaciji festivala imao veoma važnu ulogu. Od posebnog značaja su bili trud i zalaganje predstavnika Saveza udruženja likovnih umetnika Vojvodine: Korine Gubik i Bojane Vlahović i predstavnika umetničke organizacije Formverk (art zone): Stine Pehrsdotter i Niklasa Halberga.
Međunarodni festival multimedijalne umetnosti – IMAF šesnaest godina kontinuirano, donosi u Srbiju i Vojvodinu, značajne radove afirmisanih umetnika „žive umetnosti“ iz naše zemlje i celog sveta.
IMAF 2014 Programe:
Program 16. Međunarodnog festivala multimedijalne umetnosti - IMAF 2014
Programe of the 16th International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF 2014
07. 09. 2014. Galerija MAS / MAS Gallery (Studio za multimedijalnu umetnost / Multimedial Art Studio), S. Markovića 41, Odžaci (Srbija / Serbia)
Niclas Hallberg (Švedska/Srbija / Sweden/Serbia): "FUNDAMENTALNA INTERAKCIJA / FUNDAMENTAL INTERACTION" performans / performance
Saša Denić-Špena (Srbija / Serbia): “POSMATRAJ, RAZMISLI, REAGUJ / OBSERVE, THINK, REACT” performans / performance
Stina Pehrsdotter (Švedska/Srbija / Sweden/Serbia): “MLEČNI TALAS / MILKY WAVE” performans / performance
Andrijana Bogdanović- Nesković (Srbija / Serbia): “YIN-YANG (CHANTHING)” performans / performance
Radoslav Čugalj (Srbija / Serbia): “PREŽIVELI IZ TRANZICIJE / SURVIVOR OF TRANSITION” performans / performance
Chuyia Chia (Malezija/Singapur/Švedska / Malaysia/Singapore/Sweden): "BALONI / BUBBLES" performans / performance
Les Fermières Obsédées (Kanada / Canada): "MERILIN NA NEBU SA BRILIJANTOM / MARILYN IN THE SKY WITH DIAMOND" performans / performance
08. 09. 2014. Formverk (art zone), Božidara Kojića 15, Banatska Dubica (Srbija / Serbia)
Dragan Vojvodić (Srbija / Serbia): "BIOGRAFIJA / BIOGRAPHY" performans / performance
Chuyia Chia (Malezija/Singapur/Švedska / Malaysia/Singapore/Sweden): "LOMLJENJE / BREAKING" performans / performance
Andrijana Bogdanović- Nešković (Srbija / Serbia): “BEZ NAZIVA / NO TITLE” performans / performance
Niclas Hallberg (Švedska/Srbija / Sweden/Serbia): "BEZ NAZIVA / NO TITLE" performans / performance
09. 09. 2014. Galerija SULUV / SULUV Gallery (Savez udruženja likovnih umetnika Vojvodine / Association of Fine Artists of Vojvodina), Bul. Mihajla Pupina 9, Novi Sad (Srbija / Serbia)
Nenad Bogdanović (Srbija / Serbia): “POEZIJA CRVENE OPSENE / RED ILLUSION POETRY” performans sa Korinom Gubik / performance with Korina Gubik
Niclas Hallberg (Švedska/Srbija / Sweden/Serbia): "STREMITI / STRIVE" performans / performance
Andrijana Bogdanović- Nešković (Srbija / Serbia): “MOLITVA / PRAYER” performans / performance
Les Fermières Obsédées (Kanada / Canada): "MERILIN NA NEBU SA BRILIJANTOM / MARILYN IN THE SKY WITH DIAMOND" performans / performance
10. 09. 2014. Galerija SULUV / SULUV Gallery (Savez udruženja likovnih umetnika Vojvodine / Association of Fine Artists of Vojvodina), Bul. Mihajla Pupina 9, Novi Sad (Srbija / Serbia)
Stina Pehrsdotter (Švedska/Srbija / Sweden/Serbia): “KUKURUZ / KORN” performans / performance
Danica Bićanić (Srbija / Serbia): "PROCES – KORAK NAPRED / PROCESS - STEP FORWARD" performans / performance
Chuyia Chia (Malezija/Singapur/Švedska / Malaysia/Singapore/Sweden): "SUKOB / CONFLICT" performans / performance
Dragan Vojvodić (Srbija / Serbia): "PRITISAK / PRESSURE" performans / performance
7th September 2014 (MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Serbia / Galerija MAS, Odžaci, Srbija)
Opening of the festival / Otvaranje festivala: Niclas Halberg (Sweden/Serbia / Švedska/Srbija)
IMAF 2014 performances / performansi IMAF 2014:
IMAF 2014 performances / performansi IMAF 2014:
Niclas Hallberg (Švedska/Srbija / Sweden/Serbia)
Niclas Hallberg (1965) works in video, photo, installation and performance. His experimental works deals with questions concerning identities, masculinity and humanity. He is using the moving picture to express feelings, create inpressions and document performances. He often uses himself as an instrument and actor and hereby he creates a feeling of intimacy and individuality.
Niclas Hallberg has participated in a great number of solo and group exhibitions in Sweden and abroad. He has long experience of arranging and leading workshops in a varity of creative contexts. Niclas Hallberg is engaged in several international art
projects focused on collaborational exchanges resulting in exhibitions, video-screenings and residencies around the world. Niclas Hallberg founded Formverk (art zone) 2004, an independent project-based exhibition association, together with Stina Pehrsdotter. www.niclashallberg.se
Niclas Hallberg has participated in a great number of solo and group exhibitions in Sweden and abroad. He has long experience of arranging and leading workshops in a varity of creative contexts. Niclas Hallberg is engaged in several international art
projects focused on collaborational exchanges resulting in exhibitions, video-screenings and residencies around the world. Niclas Hallberg founded Formverk (art zone) 2004, an independent project-based exhibition association, together with Stina Pehrsdotter. www.niclashallberg.se
Saša Denić-Špena (Srbija / Serbia)
Born on 4. 10. 1971. in Odzaci.
Graduated from the High School of Life. His nationality is Human. Is interested in every form of art, and has an open mind for everything that improves human beings.
Graduated from the High School of Life. His nationality is Human. Is interested in every form of art, and has an open mind for everything that improves human beings.
Stina Pehrsdotter (Švedska/Srbija / Sweden/Serbia)
Stina Pehrsdotter (1966) is curator and artist working in video, photography, installation, objects and performance arts, inspired by the human body and its surrounding. In her work she focuses on the body's and mind’s desires, needs, wishes, regret and loss. Her works often reflects the connection between mind, body and soul, and tensions between body and environment. Her work may be viewed as exploration of existence, memories and the significance of human life.
Stina Pehrsdotter has participated in numerous exhibitions in Sweden and abroad. She is involved in several international video collaborations, shown in exhibitions and festivals. As a curator, she has organized many showings and exhibitions in a variety of contexts, and as a founding member of Formverk (art zone), an artist-run project-based association, she has a broad network of other artists and independent art initiatives. www,pehrsdotter.se
Stina Pehrsdotter has participated in numerous exhibitions in Sweden and abroad. She is involved in several international video collaborations, shown in exhibitions and festivals. As a curator, she has organized many showings and exhibitions in a variety of contexts, and as a founding member of Formverk (art zone), an artist-run project-based association, she has a broad network of other artists and independent art initiatives. www,pehrsdotter.se
Andrijana Bogdanović-Nešković (Srbija / Serbia)
Born in Belgrade, in 1970. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade, in 2002. with professor Zoran Vukovic.
Awards: Scholarship Fund Lubarda 2000th year.
Group exhibition: VII Biennial of Yugoslav collegiate graphics, Culture `Student City` gallery in 1996.,Belgrade, Gallery of Fine Arts 2000th, Belgrade, New Members, 2008 ULUS , Art Pavilion `Flower Zuzoric`, Belgrade, Gallery @vangarde 2009th, Belgrade, April Meetings 2009th year, the Student Cultural Center, Belgrade, 50th October Salon participated in the work of video installation `All Talk` Branimir Stojanovic, XVIII internacional spring exhibition Siroka Staza at Pedagogical Museum Belgrade 2014th.
Solo exhibition: Cultural Center District, 2007th, Belgrade, Student Cultural Centre, Happy Gallery, 2007th, Belgrade, Happy Gallery, 2011th, Belgrade.
Awards: Scholarship Fund Lubarda 2000th year.
Group exhibition: VII Biennial of Yugoslav collegiate graphics, Culture `Student City` gallery in 1996.,Belgrade, Gallery of Fine Arts 2000th, Belgrade, New Members, 2008 ULUS , Art Pavilion `Flower Zuzoric`, Belgrade, Gallery @vangarde 2009th, Belgrade, April Meetings 2009th year, the Student Cultural Center, Belgrade, 50th October Salon participated in the work of video installation `All Talk` Branimir Stojanovic, XVIII internacional spring exhibition Siroka Staza at Pedagogical Museum Belgrade 2014th.
Solo exhibition: Cultural Center District, 2007th, Belgrade, Student Cultural Centre, Happy Gallery, 2007th, Belgrade, Happy Gallery, 2011th, Belgrade.
Radoslav Čugalj (Srbija / Serbia)
Radoslav Chugaly is conceptual artist, poet, performer, works with artistic objects and instalations, participated on many colective art exhibitions and festivals in Europe, Asia and America. Works in Odzaci.
Selected live participations:
2000. - IMAF 2000, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2001. - Gallery "Multimedia Arts", Novi Sad, Serbia - Artfort Festival, Komarom, Hungary - IMAF 2001, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2002. - IMAF 2002, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2003. - PerformaNS, Gallery "Golden Eye" Novi Sad, Serbia - IMAF 2003, " Kamariste", Odzaci, Serbia / 2004. - IMAF 2004, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2005. - Transformation, International Festival, Zrenjanin, Serbia - IMAF 2005, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia - IMAF 2005, Students Cultural Center, Belgrade, Serbia / 2006. - IMAF 2006 "IZBA", Novi Sad, Serbia / 2007. - "Performance Time", Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul, Turkey - "INFANT", KCNS, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Selected live participations:
2000. - IMAF 2000, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2001. - Gallery "Multimedia Arts", Novi Sad, Serbia - Artfort Festival, Komarom, Hungary - IMAF 2001, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2002. - IMAF 2002, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2003. - PerformaNS, Gallery "Golden Eye" Novi Sad, Serbia - IMAF 2003, " Kamariste", Odzaci, Serbia / 2004. - IMAF 2004, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2005. - Transformation, International Festival, Zrenjanin, Serbia - IMAF 2005, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia - IMAF 2005, Students Cultural Center, Belgrade, Serbia / 2006. - IMAF 2006 "IZBA", Novi Sad, Serbia / 2007. - "Performance Time", Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul, Turkey - "INFANT", KCNS, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Chuyia Chia (Malezija/Singapur/Švedska / Malaysia/ Singapore/Sweden)
Chuyia Chia’s practice has transacted from her cultural identity as an immigrant in the 90’s to recent years in global concern parallel between attention to environmental responsibility as well as connection and communication between peoples. Her perspective in action art is that body as an agent between her subject and the witness or participants where she shares and communicates in an encounter. Chuyia has been actively participated in many international festivals and events, and working with other artists.
Les Fermières Obsédées (Kanada / Canada)
The Farming Obsessed is a collective made up of two artists from the visual arts (and Annie Baillargeon, Eugénie Cliche).
They have created an image of group based on the wearing of a uniform being constantly evolving and changing with the process. For this the uniform Farming become, somehow, accomplices or victims of the same frame narrative qu'uniformisées because they are based in one another, causing a kind of participatory endorsement to the actions of one or from each other. A ripple effect comparable to the massive standardization and lethargy of our modern societies. With time, this logo undergoes degradation and temporality suggesting the fervor of many struggles and positions. At the edge of the picture, the image of women as represented by the wearing of the uniform serves as their material transgression they desire as the reinvention and the overthrow of the picture in all its contemporaneity.
Since 2001 the FO have presented their work in various events in Quebec, Canada, Wales, in Northern Ireland , Australia, France and Poland.
They have created an image of group based on the wearing of a uniform being constantly evolving and changing with the process. For this the uniform Farming become, somehow, accomplices or victims of the same frame narrative qu'uniformisées because they are based in one another, causing a kind of participatory endorsement to the actions of one or from each other. A ripple effect comparable to the massive standardization and lethargy of our modern societies. With time, this logo undergoes degradation and temporality suggesting the fervor of many struggles and positions. At the edge of the picture, the image of women as represented by the wearing of the uniform serves as their material transgression they desire as the reinvention and the overthrow of the picture in all its contemporaneity.
Since 2001 the FO have presented their work in various events in Quebec, Canada, Wales, in Northern Ireland , Australia, France and Poland.
Dragan Vojvodić (Srbija / Serbia)
Dragan Vojvodic is artist based in Novi Sad, Serbia, mainly working and exhibiting his work in Scandinavia and Balkan region.
Studied at Art academy in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Novi Sad (Serbia); graduated at department of painting, but after studies began to use other media and started with teaching practice; exhibited his work in major galleries and museums in Serbia (solo exhibition in Museum of contemporary art Vojvodina, Novi Sad; Ozone gallery, Belgrade; Student Cultural Center, Belgrade...), participated in important exhibitions in Serbia ( 2009. and 2013.October salon, Belgrade; 2010. Mixer festival, Belgrade...), represented Serbian art in many exhibitions in the region and other countries in Europe (Croatia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Great Britain, Japan...). Since 2006. his exhibition practice is related to Scandinavia as well (solo exhibitions in Reykjavik, Iceland; Turku and Alajarvi, Finland; Alvik and Bergen, Norway; installation in Bergen City library, group exhibition in Koli, Finland; Egilsstadir, Iceland; lectures, presentations and workshops at Joensu Universiry, Joensu, Finland; Erro Nelimarka museum, Alajarvi, Finland and Messen Art house, Alvik, Norway). His video works were selected at various festivals (Athens video art festival, Athens, Greese; Outvideo festival, Yekaterinburg, Russia; Art Tech, digital art festival, Pancevo, Serbia; Videomedeja, International video festival, Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Novi Sad,Serbia; 700IS Reindeerland selection 2006 – 2009, Hafnarhusid, Reykjavik, Iceland; etc.). Participated in a different artist in residence projects ( Finland, Iceland, Norway, Greenland, Portugal, Spain, France ...).
Studied at Art academy in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Novi Sad (Serbia); graduated at department of painting, but after studies began to use other media and started with teaching practice; exhibited his work in major galleries and museums in Serbia (solo exhibition in Museum of contemporary art Vojvodina, Novi Sad; Ozone gallery, Belgrade; Student Cultural Center, Belgrade...), participated in important exhibitions in Serbia ( 2009. and 2013.October salon, Belgrade; 2010. Mixer festival, Belgrade...), represented Serbian art in many exhibitions in the region and other countries in Europe (Croatia, Hungary, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Great Britain, Japan...). Since 2006. his exhibition practice is related to Scandinavia as well (solo exhibitions in Reykjavik, Iceland; Turku and Alajarvi, Finland; Alvik and Bergen, Norway; installation in Bergen City library, group exhibition in Koli, Finland; Egilsstadir, Iceland; lectures, presentations and workshops at Joensu Universiry, Joensu, Finland; Erro Nelimarka museum, Alajarvi, Finland and Messen Art house, Alvik, Norway). His video works were selected at various festivals (Athens video art festival, Athens, Greese; Outvideo festival, Yekaterinburg, Russia; Art Tech, digital art festival, Pancevo, Serbia; Videomedeja, International video festival, Museum of Contemporary Art Vojvodina, Novi Sad,Serbia; 700IS Reindeerland selection 2006 – 2009, Hafnarhusid, Reykjavik, Iceland; etc.). Participated in a different artist in residence projects ( Finland, Iceland, Norway, Greenland, Portugal, Spain, France ...).
Nenad Bogdanović (Srbija / Serbia)
Born in 1955 in Odzaci, Serbia. He is engaged in multimedia art, photography, xerox art, video, installation art, performance and art actions.
His appearance at the beginning of the eighties in the international art network, "mail art," he marked an post avant-garde period of Yugoslav art and his art work has been recognized and accepted internationally.
Freelance visual and performance artist, publisher and curator. Member of art societies of Vojvodina (SULUV) and Serbia (ULUS). From 1984 to 1988 founded and published alternative international art magazines "Total" and "Second Manifesto". Curator of various international art projects and exhibitions since 1980. 1998. he founded of Multimedial Art Studio and MAS Gallery in Odzaci, Serbia. Organiser and curator of International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF (since 1998, dedicated to performance art). He is the editor and owner of MAS Gallery in Odzaci than 1998 year.
Participates in group exhibitions since 1975 year, in more than 500 exhibitions in more than forty countries in the world. Since 1980 Nenad realized his art performances and art actions on many international festivals worldwide (France: 1994, 2011, 2012 & 2013, Italy: 1995, 2003, 2004 & 2011, Slovakia: 1996, Germany: 1996, Japan: 1997 & 2008, Romania: 1998, Poland: 1999, 2007, 2010, 2012 & 2013, Hungary: 2001 & 2011, Belarus: 2001, United Kingdom: 2004 & 2010, Northern Ireland: 2004 & 2011, Switzerland: 2004, USA: 2005, Canada: 2006 & 2008, Turkey: 2007, Israel: 2007, and many times from 1980 in Serbia.
From 1993 Nenad starts working on the art project called "Man Gallery" that lasted 15 years. Realised art tours with Man Gallery project in France 1994, Italy 1995, Germany 1996, Japan 1997 and Switzerland 2004. In 2003 year realised two art performances on 50th International Biennial of Venice-Italy (in the International Art Project: Brain Academy Apartment). www.bogdanovicnenad.weebly.com
His appearance at the beginning of the eighties in the international art network, "mail art," he marked an post avant-garde period of Yugoslav art and his art work has been recognized and accepted internationally.
Freelance visual and performance artist, publisher and curator. Member of art societies of Vojvodina (SULUV) and Serbia (ULUS). From 1984 to 1988 founded and published alternative international art magazines "Total" and "Second Manifesto". Curator of various international art projects and exhibitions since 1980. 1998. he founded of Multimedial Art Studio and MAS Gallery in Odzaci, Serbia. Organiser and curator of International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF (since 1998, dedicated to performance art). He is the editor and owner of MAS Gallery in Odzaci than 1998 year.
Participates in group exhibitions since 1975 year, in more than 500 exhibitions in more than forty countries in the world. Since 1980 Nenad realized his art performances and art actions on many international festivals worldwide (France: 1994, 2011, 2012 & 2013, Italy: 1995, 2003, 2004 & 2011, Slovakia: 1996, Germany: 1996, Japan: 1997 & 2008, Romania: 1998, Poland: 1999, 2007, 2010, 2012 & 2013, Hungary: 2001 & 2011, Belarus: 2001, United Kingdom: 2004 & 2010, Northern Ireland: 2004 & 2011, Switzerland: 2004, USA: 2005, Canada: 2006 & 2008, Turkey: 2007, Israel: 2007, and many times from 1980 in Serbia.
From 1993 Nenad starts working on the art project called "Man Gallery" that lasted 15 years. Realised art tours with Man Gallery project in France 1994, Italy 1995, Germany 1996, Japan 1997 and Switzerland 2004. In 2003 year realised two art performances on 50th International Biennial of Venice-Italy (in the International Art Project: Brain Academy Apartment). www.bogdanovicnenad.weebly.com
Danica Bićanić (Srbija / Serbia)
Danica Bićanić was born in Novi Sad, Serbia, in 1985. Got the masters degree at Academy of Fine Arts in Novi Sad - Sculpture Department, in 2010. She is a member of the Association of Visual Artists of Vojvodina. Since 2006 had four solo exhibitions and many group exhibitions in Serbia, as well participated in a few performances in Serbia and abroad.
Got the Award for Most successful graduate work at the Sculpture Department (2008), “Art Clinics” Award “Perspective” for prospective student in category Sculpture (2008), Award of the University of Novi Sad for excellent results achieved in the field of arts (2008).
Got the Award for Most successful graduate work at the Sculpture Department (2008), “Art Clinics” Award “Perspective” for prospective student in category Sculpture (2008), Award of the University of Novi Sad for excellent results achieved in the field of arts (2008).
IMAF 2014 support: