13th International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF 2011

Nenad Bogdanovic :
On 13th International Multimedia Art Festival – IMAF 2011, held in Odzaci at MAS Gallery of Multimedial Art Studio from September 2nd to September 4th this year, following artists presented their works: Peter Baren (Holland), József Bíró (Hungary), Marko Bogdanovic (Serbia), Nenad Bogdanovic (Serbia), Shaun Caton (UK), Radoslav B. Chugaly (Serbia), Bada Dada (Hungary), Mari Falcsik (Hungary), Elena Italia (Italy), Aleksandar Jovanovic (Serbia), Stanisa Krstic (Serbia), Robert Pugh (UK), Seiji Shimoda (Japan) i László Lantos - Triceps (Hungary).
Audience from Odzaci came in great numbers and was able to see interesting video works by four different artists and fine performances of other artists from five countries during the next two days.
Addition to this years festival was a bonus program held under title 13th International Multimedial Art Festival – IMAF 2011 + Chile. Several artist were planned but only one (Cristóbal Yánez Lanzarini) has presented his works to the audience in Odzaci and Novi Sad. He made two performances, on November 4th in Odzaci and November 5th in Novi Sad at the SULUV Gallery.
This festival in it’s 13th edition has confirmed its actuality and interest of the audience. Once again we have confirmation that it should be strongly supported by the institutes of culture and local government.
First live performance was made by József Bíró. He performed “Sweet money” in which he shows criticism of global world politics directed solely to profit.
Youngest participant, 20 years old Elena Italia performed using latest technologies of communication on distance – mobile phone and sound machines, and certainly the most basic means for performing artist, her body.
First performance by artist from Odzaci was made by Marko Bogdanovic. He made connection between everyday situations and media that “bombard” us with bad news worldwide.
Lider of performing arts in Japan Seiji Shimoda made action poetry, using only one leaf from the nearby tree. Stanisa Krstic from Odzaci made a sequel to his earlier performances, pointing out the wrong choices of many young people and bad life conditions in our transitional period.
Extraordinary 7 hours long performance was made by Shaun Caton from London. He used rocks from the bank of Danube, very old archeological figurines, dry fish heads, bones of different animals and a large number of his drawings inspired by the archeological site Lepenski Vir.
Nenad Bogdanovic performed “Mirroring 2 (Self portrait)” as a sequel of a cycle of performances started in Venice, during Infr’Action Venetian international art project.
Aleksandar Jovanovic concluded his trilogy “Resurrection of truth” dedicated to Bishop Irinej Ciric. He was brilliant in his description of humanitarian priests sufferings under communist regime of the time.
Radoslav B. Chugaly performed a very intriguing performance “Greased” testing the limits of his body by drinking liter of vine and a liter of cooking oil, one glass at a time.
Happening “Last dadaist symphony” organized by László Lantos and Mari Falcsik from Budapest and their Opal theater, with participation of other artists and audience showed extremely good mood and interest of the present people for this kind of artistic expression in our city.
Within additional program IMAF 2011 + Chile, Cristóbal Yánez Lanzarini realized two performances from the “Kill my son” cycle. First, in Odzaci, called “The stone dog” and second, in Novi Sad called “Unnecessary”. Cristóbal, in his performances, uses materials like dirt, water, rocks, feathers, and speaks about crucial situations of life (birth, life and death) inviting the audience to participate. Performance often takes way towards less depending on the author and more upon the mood of the audience.
This years festival was organized with help of the Ministry of Culture of Serbia and additional aid by the: Community of Odzaci, Fund for an Open Society, Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia Association, Colchester Art Centre, Association of Societies of Artists of Vojvodina and Students Cultural Centre in Novi Sad.
Serbian text:
Nenad Bogdanović :
Na 13. Međunarodnom festivalu multimedijalne umetnosti – IMAF 2011, koji je održan u Odžacima u galeriji MAS (Studio za multimedijalnu umetnost) od 02. do 04. septembra ove godine, predstavili su se sledeći umetnici: Peter Baren (Holandija), Jozef Biro (Mađarska), Marko Bogdanović (Srbija), Nenad Bogdanović (Srbija), Šaun Katon (Velika Britanija), Radoslav B. Čugalj (Srbija), Bada Dada (Mađarska), Mari Falčik (Mađarska), Elena Italia (Italija), Aleksandar Jovanović (Srbija), Staniša Krstić (Srbija), Robert Pio (Velika Britanija), Seiđi Šimoda (Japan) i Laslo Lantoš - Triceps (Mađarska).
Odžačka publika, koji su se u velikom broju odazvali, je prvog dana mogla videti interesantne video radove četvorice umetnika i sledeća dva dana veoma kvalitetne umetničke performanse umetnika iz pet zemalja.
Sticajem okolnosti ovogodišnji festival je imao i dodatni program pod nazivom 13. Međunarodni festival multimedijalne umetnosti – IMAF 2011 + Čile. U ovom programu je planirano više nastupa čileanskih umetnika ali se samo jedan učesnik, Kristobal Đanjez Lanzarini, predstavio odžačkoj i novosadskoj publici. Umetnik iz Čilea je izveo dva performansa i to 04. novembra u galeriji MAS u Odžacima i 05. novembra u galeriji SULUV (Savez udruženja likovnih umetnika Vojvodine) u Novom Sadu.
Ovaj trinaesti po redu festival je potvrdio da je i dalje aktuelan i da je interesovanje publike izuzetno. Da bi ga svim snagama i uz adekvatnu pomoć merodavnih institucija kulture i lokalne samouprave trebalo podići na još viši nivo.
Prvi nastup uživo je imao Jozef Biro. Izveo je performans “Slatki novac” u kojem kritikuje globalnu svetsku politiku koja je usmerena isključivo ka profitu.
Najmlađi učesnik festivala dvadesetogodišnja italijanka Elena Italia je izvela performans koristeći najnovije tehnološke mogućnosti komunikacije na daljinu – mobilnu telefoniju i zvuka i svakako osnovno sredstvo performans umetnika svoje telo.
Od odžačkih umetnika prvi je izveo performans Marko Bogdanović. Marko je povukao paralelu između svakodnevnih životnih situacija i medija koji nas svakodnevno “bombarduju” lošim vestima iz zemlje i sveta.
Na festivalu je nastupio i lider umetnosti performansa u Japanu Seiđi Šimoda koji je izveo akcionu poeziju, upotrebivši za svoj performans samo list sa grane obližnjeg drveta.
Staniša Krstić, iz Odžaka, je izveo performans koji je nastavak njegovih predhodnih, gde ukazuje na pogrešan izbor mnogih mladih ljudi i loše uslove života u ovom našem tranzicionom periodu.
Izuzetan sedmočasovni performans u galeriji MAS je izveo Šaun Katon iz Londona. Šaun u svom dugotrajnom performansu koristi kamenje pronađeno na obali Dunava, veoma stare arheološke figurine, prepariranu glavu ribe, kosti raznih životinja i veliki broj njegovih crteža nastalih inspirisan arheološkim nalazištem Lepenski Vir.
Nenad Bogdanović je izveo performans pod nazivom “Ogledanje 2 (Autoportret)” koji je nastavak ciklusa kojeg je započeo performansom u Veneciji, u međunarodnom umetničkom projektu Infr’Action Venezia.
Aleksandar Jovanović je izvođenjem performansa “Vaskrs istine” završio trilogiju performansa posvećenu vladiki Irineju Ćiriću. Aleksandar je na briljantan način “opisao” stradanje sveštenog lica i humaniste vladike Irineja od strane tadašnjeg komunističkog režima.
Radoslav B. Čugalj je izveo veoma intrigantan performans “Kao podmazano” gde ispituje granice izdržljivosti sopstvenog tela, pijući naizmenično čašu ulja i čašu vina.
Hepening “Poslednja dadaistička simfonija” organizovan od strane Lasla Lantoša i Mari Falčik iz Budimpešte i njihovog Pozorišta Opal, u završnici festivala, uz učešće ostalih umetnika i publike pokazao je izuzetnu atmosferu i interesovanje prisutnih za ovu vrstu umetničkog izražavanja u odžačkoj sredini.
U dodatnom programu, IMAF 2011 + Čile, Kristobal Đanjez Lanzarini je realizovao dva performansa iz ciklusa “Ubij mog sina”. Prvi, u Odžacima, pod nazivom “Kameni pas” i drugi, u Novom Sadu, pod nzivom “Nepotrebno”. Kristobal, u svojim performansima, koristeći materijale kao što su zemlja, voda, kamenje, perje, govori o krucijalnim životnim situacijama (rađanje, život i smrt) u koje poziva na učešće i publiku. Performans često ide putem gde sadržaj sve manje zavisi od autora a više od raspoloženja posetilaca ovih manifestacija.
Ovogodišnji IMAF festival je organizovan pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva kulture Republike Srbije i uz pomoć: Opštine Odžaci, Fonda za otvoreno društvo, Asocijacije Nezavisna kulturna scena Srbije, Kolčester art centra (Art Council England), Saveza udruženja likovnih umetnika Vojvodine i Studentskog kulturnog centra u Novom Sadu.
On 13th International Multimedia Art Festival – IMAF 2011, held in Odzaci at MAS Gallery of Multimedial Art Studio from September 2nd to September 4th this year, following artists presented their works: Peter Baren (Holland), József Bíró (Hungary), Marko Bogdanovic (Serbia), Nenad Bogdanovic (Serbia), Shaun Caton (UK), Radoslav B. Chugaly (Serbia), Bada Dada (Hungary), Mari Falcsik (Hungary), Elena Italia (Italy), Aleksandar Jovanovic (Serbia), Stanisa Krstic (Serbia), Robert Pugh (UK), Seiji Shimoda (Japan) i László Lantos - Triceps (Hungary).
Audience from Odzaci came in great numbers and was able to see interesting video works by four different artists and fine performances of other artists from five countries during the next two days.
Addition to this years festival was a bonus program held under title 13th International Multimedial Art Festival – IMAF 2011 + Chile. Several artist were planned but only one (Cristóbal Yánez Lanzarini) has presented his works to the audience in Odzaci and Novi Sad. He made two performances, on November 4th in Odzaci and November 5th in Novi Sad at the SULUV Gallery.
This festival in it’s 13th edition has confirmed its actuality and interest of the audience. Once again we have confirmation that it should be strongly supported by the institutes of culture and local government.
First live performance was made by József Bíró. He performed “Sweet money” in which he shows criticism of global world politics directed solely to profit.
Youngest participant, 20 years old Elena Italia performed using latest technologies of communication on distance – mobile phone and sound machines, and certainly the most basic means for performing artist, her body.
First performance by artist from Odzaci was made by Marko Bogdanovic. He made connection between everyday situations and media that “bombard” us with bad news worldwide.
Lider of performing arts in Japan Seiji Shimoda made action poetry, using only one leaf from the nearby tree. Stanisa Krstic from Odzaci made a sequel to his earlier performances, pointing out the wrong choices of many young people and bad life conditions in our transitional period.
Extraordinary 7 hours long performance was made by Shaun Caton from London. He used rocks from the bank of Danube, very old archeological figurines, dry fish heads, bones of different animals and a large number of his drawings inspired by the archeological site Lepenski Vir.
Nenad Bogdanovic performed “Mirroring 2 (Self portrait)” as a sequel of a cycle of performances started in Venice, during Infr’Action Venetian international art project.
Aleksandar Jovanovic concluded his trilogy “Resurrection of truth” dedicated to Bishop Irinej Ciric. He was brilliant in his description of humanitarian priests sufferings under communist regime of the time.
Radoslav B. Chugaly performed a very intriguing performance “Greased” testing the limits of his body by drinking liter of vine and a liter of cooking oil, one glass at a time.
Happening “Last dadaist symphony” organized by László Lantos and Mari Falcsik from Budapest and their Opal theater, with participation of other artists and audience showed extremely good mood and interest of the present people for this kind of artistic expression in our city.
Within additional program IMAF 2011 + Chile, Cristóbal Yánez Lanzarini realized two performances from the “Kill my son” cycle. First, in Odzaci, called “The stone dog” and second, in Novi Sad called “Unnecessary”. Cristóbal, in his performances, uses materials like dirt, water, rocks, feathers, and speaks about crucial situations of life (birth, life and death) inviting the audience to participate. Performance often takes way towards less depending on the author and more upon the mood of the audience.
This years festival was organized with help of the Ministry of Culture of Serbia and additional aid by the: Community of Odzaci, Fund for an Open Society, Independent Cultural Scene of Serbia Association, Colchester Art Centre, Association of Societies of Artists of Vojvodina and Students Cultural Centre in Novi Sad.
Serbian text:
Nenad Bogdanović :
Na 13. Međunarodnom festivalu multimedijalne umetnosti – IMAF 2011, koji je održan u Odžacima u galeriji MAS (Studio za multimedijalnu umetnost) od 02. do 04. septembra ove godine, predstavili su se sledeći umetnici: Peter Baren (Holandija), Jozef Biro (Mađarska), Marko Bogdanović (Srbija), Nenad Bogdanović (Srbija), Šaun Katon (Velika Britanija), Radoslav B. Čugalj (Srbija), Bada Dada (Mađarska), Mari Falčik (Mađarska), Elena Italia (Italija), Aleksandar Jovanović (Srbija), Staniša Krstić (Srbija), Robert Pio (Velika Britanija), Seiđi Šimoda (Japan) i Laslo Lantoš - Triceps (Mađarska).
Odžačka publika, koji su se u velikom broju odazvali, je prvog dana mogla videti interesantne video radove četvorice umetnika i sledeća dva dana veoma kvalitetne umetničke performanse umetnika iz pet zemalja.
Sticajem okolnosti ovogodišnji festival je imao i dodatni program pod nazivom 13. Međunarodni festival multimedijalne umetnosti – IMAF 2011 + Čile. U ovom programu je planirano više nastupa čileanskih umetnika ali se samo jedan učesnik, Kristobal Đanjez Lanzarini, predstavio odžačkoj i novosadskoj publici. Umetnik iz Čilea je izveo dva performansa i to 04. novembra u galeriji MAS u Odžacima i 05. novembra u galeriji SULUV (Savez udruženja likovnih umetnika Vojvodine) u Novom Sadu.
Ovaj trinaesti po redu festival je potvrdio da je i dalje aktuelan i da je interesovanje publike izuzetno. Da bi ga svim snagama i uz adekvatnu pomoć merodavnih institucija kulture i lokalne samouprave trebalo podići na još viši nivo.
Prvi nastup uživo je imao Jozef Biro. Izveo je performans “Slatki novac” u kojem kritikuje globalnu svetsku politiku koja je usmerena isključivo ka profitu.
Najmlađi učesnik festivala dvadesetogodišnja italijanka Elena Italia je izvela performans koristeći najnovije tehnološke mogućnosti komunikacije na daljinu – mobilnu telefoniju i zvuka i svakako osnovno sredstvo performans umetnika svoje telo.
Od odžačkih umetnika prvi je izveo performans Marko Bogdanović. Marko je povukao paralelu između svakodnevnih životnih situacija i medija koji nas svakodnevno “bombarduju” lošim vestima iz zemlje i sveta.
Na festivalu je nastupio i lider umetnosti performansa u Japanu Seiđi Šimoda koji je izveo akcionu poeziju, upotrebivši za svoj performans samo list sa grane obližnjeg drveta.
Staniša Krstić, iz Odžaka, je izveo performans koji je nastavak njegovih predhodnih, gde ukazuje na pogrešan izbor mnogih mladih ljudi i loše uslove života u ovom našem tranzicionom periodu.
Izuzetan sedmočasovni performans u galeriji MAS je izveo Šaun Katon iz Londona. Šaun u svom dugotrajnom performansu koristi kamenje pronađeno na obali Dunava, veoma stare arheološke figurine, prepariranu glavu ribe, kosti raznih životinja i veliki broj njegovih crteža nastalih inspirisan arheološkim nalazištem Lepenski Vir.
Nenad Bogdanović je izveo performans pod nazivom “Ogledanje 2 (Autoportret)” koji je nastavak ciklusa kojeg je započeo performansom u Veneciji, u međunarodnom umetničkom projektu Infr’Action Venezia.
Aleksandar Jovanović je izvođenjem performansa “Vaskrs istine” završio trilogiju performansa posvećenu vladiki Irineju Ćiriću. Aleksandar je na briljantan način “opisao” stradanje sveštenog lica i humaniste vladike Irineja od strane tadašnjeg komunističkog režima.
Radoslav B. Čugalj je izveo veoma intrigantan performans “Kao podmazano” gde ispituje granice izdržljivosti sopstvenog tela, pijući naizmenično čašu ulja i čašu vina.
Hepening “Poslednja dadaistička simfonija” organizovan od strane Lasla Lantoša i Mari Falčik iz Budimpešte i njihovog Pozorišta Opal, u završnici festivala, uz učešće ostalih umetnika i publike pokazao je izuzetnu atmosferu i interesovanje prisutnih za ovu vrstu umetničkog izražavanja u odžačkoj sredini.
U dodatnom programu, IMAF 2011 + Čile, Kristobal Đanjez Lanzarini je realizovao dva performansa iz ciklusa “Ubij mog sina”. Prvi, u Odžacima, pod nazivom “Kameni pas” i drugi, u Novom Sadu, pod nzivom “Nepotrebno”. Kristobal, u svojim performansima, koristeći materijale kao što su zemlja, voda, kamenje, perje, govori o krucijalnim životnim situacijama (rađanje, život i smrt) u koje poziva na učešće i publiku. Performans često ide putem gde sadržaj sve manje zavisi od autora a više od raspoloženja posetilaca ovih manifestacija.
Ovogodišnji IMAF festival je organizovan pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva kulture Republike Srbije i uz pomoć: Opštine Odžaci, Fonda za otvoreno društvo, Asocijacije Nezavisna kulturna scena Srbije, Kolčester art centra (Art Council England), Saveza udruženja likovnih umetnika Vojvodine i Studentskog kulturnog centra u Novom Sadu.
IMAF 2011 Program:
2nd September 2011 (MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Serbia / Galerija MAS, Odžaci, Srbija)
Opening of the festival:
László Lantos - Triceps (Hungary) & Mari Falcsik (Hungary)
Projection of video works / Projekcija video radova:
• Bada Dada (Hungary / Mađarska): “DADA UNIVERZOOM Hommage to Bada Dada” / “DADA UNIVERZUM Omaž Badi Dadi“
• Aleksandar Jovanović (Serbia / Srbija): ”Evanescence” / “Iščezavanje”
• Peter Baren (Holland / Holandija): “ARK (Unknown Pleasures)“
• Robert Pugh (United Kingdom / Velika Britanija): video presentation / video prezentacija
Live performance participants:
3rd September 2011 (MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Serbia / Galerija MAS, Odžaci, Srbija)
• József Bíró (Hungary / Mađarska): “Sweet Money” / “Slatki novac“
• Elena Italia (Italy / Italija): “Giacomo” / “Đakomo“
• Marko Bogdanović (Serbia / Srbija): “03.09.2011”
• Seiji Shimoda (Japan / Japan): “Action Poetry” / “Akciona poezija“
• Staniša Krstić (Serbia / Srbija): “Dream Time” / “Vreme snova“
4th September 2011 (MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Serbia / Galerija MAS, Odžaci, Srbija)
• Shaun Caton (United Kingdom / Velika Britanija): “SCRATCHMARKS: Lepenski Vir”
• Nenad Bogdanović (Serbia / Srbija): “Mirroring 2 (Self Portrait)” / “Ogledanje 2 (Autoportret)“
• Aleksandar Jovanović (Serbia / Srbija): “Resurrection of the Truth” / “Vaskrs istine“
• Radoslav B. Čugalj (Serbia / Srbija): “Greased” / “Kao podmazano“
• László Lantos - Triceps & Mari Falcsik (Hungary / Mađarska): “Theatre 'Opal' Last Dadaist Symphony - Homage to Hugo Ball” / “Pozorište 'Opal' Poslednja dadaistička simfonija - omaž Hugo Balu“
13th International Multimedial Art Festival – IMAF 2011 + Chile
4th November 2011 (MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Serbia / Galerija MAS, Odžaci, Srbija)
• Cristóbal Yánez Lanzarini (Chile / Čile): “The Stone Dog” / “Kameni pas“
5th November 2011 (SULUV Gallery, Novi Sad, Serbia / Galerija SULUV, Novi Sad, Srbija)
• Cristóbal Yánez Lanzarini (Chile / Čile): “Unnecessary” / “Nepotrebno“
IMAF 2011 Biographies:
Homage to Bada Dada
Vulgar songs and sublime conceptual poetry, alternative rock and phonic poems, body art an visual cabaret, diabolic solos and angelic dada choir, preschooler androgogics and harsh banalities are mixed in the film made in remembrance of the bohemian friend Bada Dada. Joy born from bitterness, beyond penguin-death and squirrel-dreams. No eyes and glasses left dry by the musical docu, revitalising the hearty pearls of this „unbearable idiot” and „ redeeming genius”. On your feet now, Hungarian dada-garde!
Peter Baren
Born in 1954 in Amsterdam.
First performance works and installations around 1980.
ARK (Unknown Pleasures)is part of ARK ( ), an ongoing performance piece that has continued to evolve and change shape over time. It started life in New York City during CURRENCY 2004, an International Festival of Contemporary Performance. Baren's practice uses the public assumptions of performance- the promise of drama, duration and theatricality- to evoke a disquieting sense of primordial mystery, public yearning, fear and cultural reformation. Blending props common to show-business (fogmachines, aural mood-scapes and nearly nude performers) with cross-cultural signifiers (Aboriginal boomerangs, Palestinian scarves, Japanese toys), Baren's work creates a site of what photographer and art critic Kristoff Steinruck dubbed "radical mystical fundamentalism." (Performance during LIVE. Biennial of Performance Art. Vancouver) The involvement of the people present is triggered by mobilizing all the senses. It cannot and should not be that the spectators leave the location unmoved. A performance by Peter Baren is not a visual spectacle, but an emotional experience. (Rob Perree)
Aleksandar Jovanovic
Aleksandar Jovanovic was born in 1962 in Odzaci. Hi is a multimedia artist who combines almost all ways of expression of modern and postmodern artistic awareness such as drawings, paintings, computer graphics, photography, installations and performance book.
In the mid 80s he joined the international mail-art movement.
The artist was also the publisher and editor of anti-embargo magazine called “Cage” which became the part of art collection of the Moma Museum in New York and The Tate Gallery in London. He is also the author of several art projects: Snake-Border and Networker’s Spirit which was presented in Vrsac at the First Youth Art Biennale. His Unblockade Book became the part of art collection of the Moma Museum in San Francisco. He also had one-man exhibition at Stampart Gallery where he put on show his anti-embargo projects.
Numerous works of this artist belong to a private art collection called “Trajkovic Collection”, which became the part of the monograph of “Contemporary Serbian Art of the Second Half of the 20th Century”. The monograph was presented in the art pavilion “Cvijeta Zuzoric” in Belgrade.
The artist lives and works in Odzaci.
Robert Pugh
Having graduated from Cardiff School of Art & Design in 2009 I was producing large scale mixed media installation pieces, more specifically my work involved the use of super 8mm film and deconstructing their projectors to bare skeletal form and degrading the super 8mm film by constantly playing the film until it's breaking point. My degree show piece was near expelled from the degree show on account of health and safety, however I was fortunate enough to be working with artist and curator Kim Fielding of tactileBosch Studio and gallery, Cardiff. Where I was able to further develop my installation and film on a larger scale as well as being able to exhibit the piece as it was intended.
Whilst working with tactileBocsh I had the privilege of documenting many live performances, openings and producing video art works within the gallery. In November 2009 I was introduced to Shaun Caton and Brownsierra, this would be the first time that I was able to document Shaun's performances and led to the production of my first film for Shaun 'Eldritch Thrall'.
Having built up a good working relationship with Shaun I was asked to document a second event at the 2010 N.R.L.A in Glasgow where I was able to exhibit the first film 'Eldritch Thrall' as well having the opportunity to later shoot several more films. Shauns performances are durational and evolve with time through drawing, painting, movement, repeated processes, light and sound therefore it is crucial that the films display the progression of each piece. It is important that the films act as documentation of the event as well as showing a brief insight into the atmosphere of each performance. Only minor changes are made to the audio and visual of the films, everything else is done in camera so arguably the films also evolve throughout the performance in the hope to produce something totally unique.
József Bíró
(poet/writer/visual artist and performer)
József Bíró was born in 19 may 1951 / Budapest
poet and writer 1975 to present organizational memberships: Hungarian Alliance of Writers / Art Foundation of Hungarian Republic / Belletrist Association / etc. published works: 15 volumes of poetry (books) / 1 book of proses creative works: 9 individual exhibitions
more than 700 group exhibitions around in the world
more than 90 single (live) - performances around in the world
Elena Italia
Education: BA Visual Studies , year 1 Norwich University College of the Arts 2010- ongoing
BA Fine Art Year 0 ( foundation), Norwich University College of the Arts 2009-2010
French Baccalauréat, section L (Lycée Francais Vincent Van Gogh et Lycée Chateaubriand de Rome)
Selected shows:
Untitled: orange overall, sponge- Art in the Underbelly (Rumsey Wells, Norwich) / May 2010; Untitled: orange overall, seabass- durational performance across Norwich/ June 2010
Untitled – Response (festival of Performance Art, Landguard Fort, Felixstowe) /October 2010; Conscious Disgust, Uncounscious Desire – Late Shift ( Sainsbury Centre for the Visual Arts, Norwich)/ November 2010; Untitled – St Margaret Church, Norwich/ March 2011
Roman Room – Shop Art! Live ( Norwich Art Centre coordinated- with collective Other/other/other)/ April 2011 Fifteen Minutes Standing- STEW Gallery ( Norwich)/ June 2011; Untitled, Ad Limina- Salthouse 2011 group show (St Nicholas Church, Salthouse)/ July 2011; ...E Tu Sei Piccolina- Galleria Opera Unica (Roma)/ August 2011
Marko Bogdanovic
Born in 1986 in Odzaci, Serbia.
Graduated at the School of mechanical engineering.
He is lasting associate in organization of the IMAF festival.
Previously worked in computer graphics and classical forms of artistic expression.
2002. - Solo exhibit of paintings and computer graphics, MAS gallery, Odzaci, Serbia.
2007.- "World 1", 9th International Multimedia Art Festival - IMAF, MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Serbia. 2007.- "World 2", 9th International Multimedia Art Festival - IMAF, Student Cultural Center, Belgrade, Serbia. 2008.- "N.W.O.01", Museum Night, "Night of Performances", SULUV Gallery, Novi Sad, Serbia. 2010.- "Awakening Consciousness", Museum Night, "Multimedia Night" - MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Serbia. 2011.- "03.09.2011.", 13th International Multimedia Art Festival - IMAF, MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Serbia. 2011.- "Humanitarian Aid", FIX XI Ninth International Live Art Biennial, Catalyst Arts, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Video presentation:
2008.- 10th International Multimedia Art Festival - IMAF, MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Serbia.
2009.- "Ten years of IMAF", 11th International Multimedia Art Festival - IMAF, MAS Gallery, Odzaci, Serbia
Seiji Shimoda
Date of birth: 06.07.1953
C.V. :
1970 Started writing poetry in Nagano, in high school student movement time. /75 Started art, experimental theater, performance art in Osaka City Univ. /77 moved Tokyo, started performance tour in Japan. /79 100 performances at Kid Ailack Art Hall in Tokyo. /80 Published Poetry book "Coffee shop" with 99 poetry. /82 Had many street performances in Paris during 3 months stay. /87 Started Western Europe tour. /After this, he was invited more than 300 international art festivals in 40 countries, including Western, Central Europe, Asia, North & Central America. Also in Japan, he organized several art festivals since '80's and started to organize NIPAF since 93. Also started NIPAF Asian+ Summer Seminar since '96. /2000 Received Bessie Award 2000 (New York Dance and performance award), U.S.A. as the first Asian based artist. /'01 Performed in Myanmar, Israel, France, Indonesia, China, Italy, USA and Korea. /'02 Performed in China, Mexico, Taiwan, Slovakia, Hungary, Korea. /'03 Performed in China, France, Italy, Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia Montenegro, Cuba, Spain. /'04 Performed in Taiwan, China, UK, Northern Ireland, Myanmar, Singapore, Quebec, Vietnam, Chile, Argentine. /05 China 5 cities, Singapore, Myanmar, Malaysia, Chile, Argentine, Uruguay, Ireland, Northern Ireland. /06 Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, Poland, Slovakia, China 4 cities, Mexico. Research in Cambodia and Peru. /07 Philippines, Indonesia, France, Taiwan, Poland, Macau, China, Hong Kong. /08 Spain, Canada, USA, Philippines, Poland, Sweden, Belarus, Venezuela, Korea /09 Korea, Greece, Vietnam, Myanmar, India /10 Taiwan, Bangladesh, China, Cambodia, Malaysia,Indonesia, India /11 India, Bangladesh
Stanisa Krstic
Stanisa Krstic was born in Odzaci on November 27th 1977. He was not only painter but performer, music producer, writer. In 2009 at international art project he was installed his installation with Gordana Bezanov (Switzerland) and approve his talent in public. After that, his work and experiments in art are not in underground anymore. He participate in IMAF (http://imaf-festival.weebly.com/)2009 with performance “Levitation” His was known as an artist with very strange performances, in real time he was exploring the esoteric and performances with deep story in background. At museums nights 2010 he made performance “Infected” and indicate the serious problems with pollution, with another provocative performance. At IMAF 2010 with performance: “Gentle swing of destruction” he step in to pure mysticizm and signed it with elements and symbols which are very simple and known in ordinary life.
Shaun Caton
Shaun Caton (UK) has presented over 250 performances in many galleries, museums and festivals worldwide since 1985. He calls his performances ‘living breathing images’ and often paints/draws in a self induced trance state during performances. Paintings serve as metaphysical maps or links between objects and materials – all of which have the strange potential for transformation through repetition and variation rituals. His work has been recently described as ‘ epic primordial performance and shamanic scribbles…’(TACTILEbosch 2007) and‘genuinely terrifying’ (The Scotsman 2009).
Nenad Bogdanovic
Born in 1955 in Odzaci, Serbia (Ex-Yugoslavia).
Freelance visual and performance artist, publisher and curator. Member of art societies of Vojvodina (SULUV) and Serbia (ULUS).
From 1984 to 1988 founded and published alternative international art magazines "Total" and "Second Manifesto". Curator of various international art projects and exhibitions since 1980. 1998. he founded of Multimedial Art Studio and MAS Gallery in Odzaci, Serbia.
Organiser and curator of International Multimedial Art Festival - IMAF (since 1998, dedicated to performance art).
Realizes his art performances and art actions on many international festivals worldwide (France: 1994 & 2011, Italy: 1995, 2003, 2004 & 2011, Slovakia: 1996, Germany: 1996, Japan: 1997 & 2008, Romania: 1998, Poland: 1999 & 2007, Hungary: 2001 & 2011, Belarus: 2001, United Kingdom: 2004 & 2010, Northern Ireland: 2004 & 2011, Switzerland: 2004, USA: 2005, Canada: 2006 & 2008, Turkey: 2007, Israel: 2007, and in Serbia since 1980).
Realised art tours with Man Gallery project in France 1994, Italy 1995, Germany 1996, Japan 1997 and Switzerland 2004.
In 2003 year realised two art performances on 50th International Biennial of Venice-Italy (International Art Project: Brain Academy Apartment).
Falcsik Mari
Poetess. Born in 1956, Budapest, Hungary.
She entered contemporary Hungarian literature in the early 2000 years with her poems, which she often performs herself. There were English, Italian and Dutch translations of her poetry, and there are also some works in several genres of music (song, choral work etc.) composed to her poems.
Her volumes of poetry: Sanzon nehéz időkben (Chanson in Hard Times, 2004), Változatok a szabadságra (Variations on Freedom, 2006), A sorsvadász (The Fate-Hunter, 2010), in preparation: Ág a szembe.
Triceps (Laslo Lantos)
Theatre and film director, writer, performer.
He was born in Kikinda (YU) in 1955; since 1993 he has been living in Hungary, Budapest. Theatre companies: Kugla (1987 / YU), Aphasia Theatrum (1988-91 / YU), Figura Theatre (1992 / RO), Opal Theatre (since 1993, H). He was the leader of the Budapest underground art clubs named Black-Black Gallery (1995-2001) and Merz House (2002-5).
His books: Éhségkönyv (Book of Hunger, 2005), Semmikor (Nothingaged, poems, 2011). His films: Dada Univerzoom (2008), Szívünkben kacag fel a napfény (Sunshine’s Laughing in Our Heart, 2011).
Radoslav B. Chugaly
Conceptual artist, poet, performer, works with artistic objects and instalations, participated on many colective art exhibitions and festivals in Europe, Asia and America. Works in Odzaci.
Selected live participations:
2000. - IMAF 2000, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2001. - Gallery "Multimedia Arts", Novi Sad, Serbia - Artfort Festival, Komarom, Hungary - IMAF 2001, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2002. - IMAF 2002, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2003. - PerformaNS, Gallery "Golden Eye" Novi Sad, Serbia - IMAF 2003, " Kamariste", Odzaci, Serbia / 2004. - IMAF 2004, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia / 2005. - Transformation, International Festival, Zrenjanin, Serbia - IMAF 2005, Gallery "MAS", Odzaci, Serbia - IMAF 2005, Students Cultural Center, Belgrade, Serbia / 2006. - IMAF 2006 "IZBA", Novi Sad, Serbia / 2007. - "Performance Time", Museum of Contemporary Art, Istanbul, Turkey - "INFANT", KCNS, Novi Sad, Serbia.
Cristóbal Yáñez Lanzarini
Cristóbal Yáñez Lanzarini is a Performance artist and Actor. His work in performance started in 2005, when he did performances for photographs, later on, he got involved with independent artists’ organization in Chile to present his performances, both in public spaces as well as in alternative galleries.
His main theme is the relationship between genealogy, motherhood and the concept of self.
He is currently working at Perfolink, the Latin American Performance art platform, he also works with the collective, Black Market Chile.
IMAF 2011 Support:

REPUBLIKA SRBIJA - Ministarstvo kulture,
medija i informacionog društva
REPUBLIC OF SERBIA - Ministry of Culture,
Media and Information Society

Colchester Art Centre
(Escalator Live Art,
Art Council England)
Asocijacija Nezavisna kulturna scena Srbije
Savez udruženja likovnih umetnika Vojvodine
Studentski Kulturni Centar Novi Sad
IMAF 2011 Media support: